Effect of chloride ions on 316L stainless steel in cyclic cooling water

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohai_wl
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The effect of Cl- on the 316L stainless steel in simulated cooling water has been studied using polarization curves,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS),MottSchottky plot and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques.Cl- concentrations vary from 200 to 900 mg/L.Results reveal that the corrosion resistance increases with the decrease of Cl-concentration in simulated cooling water.The increase of Cl- concentration leads to the shift of the corrosion potential towards the positive direction.Mott-Schottky curves show that in the passive film,Cr2O3 and FeO at the inner layer exhibit P-type but Fe2O3 and CrO3 (CrO42-) N-type semiconductive properties.The SEM/EDX data demonstrate that elements such as Fe,O,C,Si and Cl as well as the presence of calcium and aluminum are presented on the surface of the metal. The effect of Cl-on the 316L stainless steel in simulated cooling water has been studied using polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), MottSchottky plot and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Cl- concentration vary from 200 to 900 mg / L .Results reveal that the corrosion resistance increases with the decrease of Cl-concentration in simulated cooling water. The increase of Cl- concentration leads to the shift of the corrosion potential towards the positive direction. Mott-Schottky curves show that in the passive film, Cr2O3 and FeO at the inner layer exhibit P-type but Fe2O3 and CrO3 (CrO42-) N-type semiconductive properties. SEM / EDX data demonstrate that elements such as Fe, O, C, Si and Cl as well as the presence of calcium and aluminum are presented on the surface of the metal.
社会主义国家也要警惕通货膨胀  在经济学界里,杨培新第一个破除社会主义国家没有通货膨胀的迷信,他在中国人民银行金融研究所工作期间,通过大量的数据和文字资料进行综合分析研究,透过各种迹象深究细考,发现苏联长期存在着隐蔽式的通货膨胀,而由于它的隐蔽性和抑制性,对经济建设和人民生活的冲击也就越加严重。  1962年,杨培新适时地推出了他的新著《旧中国通货膨胀》。他为什么要写这样一本书呢?原来在三年“大跃
今天知道范朴斋这个名字的可能已经不多了,了解其生平事迹的更属凤毛麟角。作为一名长期从事民主活动、对中国革命做出重要贡献的民主人士,范朴斋不应也不能被历史遗忘。  范朴斋1895年生于四川成都,幼年便奉祖父范蕊生之命随蜀中名儒吴虞读书。范朴斋精于文墨,曾长期担任民盟主席张澜的秘书和文件起草人,民盟的许多重要文电均出自他手,故有“民盟一支笔”之称。范朴斋是“中间路线”的积极拥趸者,曾任国民政府高级官员