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群体结构与产量类型——淡竹林的胸径与林高、单株竹重、产量均呈直线关系,其相关系数分别为:0.9907,0.9190,0.9756。高产竹林的竹冠中部1/3区分段的叶面积最大;低产竹林的竹冠上部1/3区分段叶面积最大,二者的叶面积模型差异很大。由于立地条件和管理水平不同,形成高、中、低三种产量类型,竹材年产量分别为:高产型每亩2853—3435公斤,中产型每亩2363—2681公斤,低产型每亩761—957公斤。鞭层入土深30厘米时,产量最高。栽培技术与增产效果——垫土、浇水、施肥、采伐是淡竹林的主要栽培技术,它们各自有其特定的技术模式。竹鞭的负向地性生长大于正向地性生长的规律、竹鞭对成竹大小及形成产量的决定作用规律,是竹林垫土的理论依据。垫土可增产70—120%以上。土壤←水→淡竹←水→空气,是一个连续的系统,水是这一系统中的重要媒介物质,是淡竹生命的赋予者,这一系统是淡竹林浇水的理论依据。依淡竹的年生育规律适时灌溉,可增产1倍以上。土壤是生命“长链”的中枢,土壤肥力与淡竹产量直接关联,土壤的矿质营养学说和归还定律是竹林施肥的理论依据。施肥后可增产80%左右。采伐是获取经济效益的手段,又是竹林栽培的一项技术措施。依据竹林的成材规律、繁殖规律、生态规律,合理采伐,是竹林丰产稳产的关键。 Population structure and yield types - DBH of DBH was linear with height of forest, weight of bamboo per plant and yield, and their correlation coefficients were 0.9907, 0.9190 and 0.9756, respectively. The leaf area of ​​the middle 1/3 of the bamboo crown of the high-yield bamboo forest was the largest, while that of the low bamboo bamboo forest of the low-yield bamboo forest was the largest, and the leaf area model of the two differed greatly. Due to the different site conditions and management levels, the three types of high, medium and low yield were produced. Annual output of bamboo was 2853-3435 kg per mu for high-yielding, 2363-2681 kg per acre for middle-yielding and 761-957 for low-yielding. kg. Whip into the soil depth of 30 cm, the highest yield. Cultivation techniques and yield increase - paddy soil, watering, fertilizing and logging are the main cultivation techniques of light bamboo forests, and each has its own specific technical mode. The negative growth of the rhizome is greater than that of the positive growth of the rhizome. The rule of bamboo rhizome on the size and formation of bamboo is the theoretical basis of the bamboo soil. Pad soil can increase 70-120%. Soil ← Water → Light Bamboo ← Water → Air is a continuous system. Water is an important medium in this system. It is the life-giving of light bamboo. This system is the theoretical basis for the watering of light bamboo forests. Irrigation timely according to the law of freshwater bamboo, can increase yield more than 1 times. Soil is the center of life “long chain”, and soil fertility is directly related to the production of light bamboo. The theory of mineral nutrition and return of soil is the theoretical basis of bamboo fertilization. After fertilization can increase about 80%. Logging is a means of obtaining economic benefits and a technical measure of bamboo cultivation. According to bamboo growing law, breeding law, ecological law, reasonable harvest, is the key to high and stable bamboo yield.
十六、蹬踹劈扇 动作①乙双拳前击甲腹部;甲右拳击乙头,左拳击乙胸;同时发左脚蹬乙腹部。(图62) Sixteen, stirrup 踹 split fan action ① B boxing before the beating t
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本文介绍漳州市二十个国营林场在育苗、造林、森林管护、木材生产、 汽车运输、果树等农副业、工业和商业以及职能部门等方面所采取的承包责任制的做法。 通过实行多种形式的