
来源 :中国保安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huitianfly
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今天的社会生活,已经走进一个多彩、多元的时代。它在带给人们欣喜的同时,也不断潜存着公共安全方面的危机。人流簇拥的繁华商场存在险患吗?有门卫的高尚社区一定是安全的吗?熟悉的办公区,是否闪过陌生的身影?如果细细拷问,多数人的安全防范意识,恐怕都无法得到满分。广泛提高公共安全防范意识,是构建和谐社会、确保长治久安的需要,也是我们的办刊宗旨和方向。为此,本刊今年推出一项贴近性、服务性、参与性很强的策划活动——“安全实验场”。我们的记者亲身体验,主动出击,去搜索和发现社会生活、工作职场、人际交往等多种领域中存在的安全隐患,并有针对性地提出警示、提供解决方案。首期“安全实验场”,今天已正式与读者见面了。每月下半月,“安全实验场”都会如期与你相约,点击不同的安全实验主题。从中,你可以更直观地了解这一策划活动。同时,也欢迎广大读者参与,提供更新颖、更具实际意义的“安全实验课题”,为构建和谐社会各尽所能。 Today’s social life has entered a colorful and diverse era. While bringing joy to people, it also constantly lurks in the public security crisis. Are there any dangers in the bustling shopping center surrounded by crowds? Is there any guarded noble community? Is it familiar with the familiar office area? If you scrutinize it, most people’s awareness of safety precautions will not be able to get full marks . To extensively raise public awareness of public security is a need to build a harmonious society and ensure long-term peace and stability, as well as the purpose and direction of our publication. To this end, the publication of this year launched a close, service, highly involved in the planning activities - “safety experimental field.” Our reporters experience first-hand, take the initiative to search and find out the hidden dangers in many fields such as social life, work and workplace, interpersonal communication, etc., and provide warnings and solutions in a targeted manner. The first “safety experiment field” today has officially met with the readers. The second half of each month, “Safety Lab” will meet with you as scheduled, click on different safety experiment theme. From there, you can more intuitive understanding of this planning activities. At the same time, readers are also welcome to participate, to provide more innovative, more practical “safety experiment” for building a harmonious society.
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1 造价咨询企业实施知识管理的必要性造价咨询企业是对建设工程从立项审批到设计、招投标、施工、竣工验收提供全过程造价控制的机构,属于典型的知识密集型服务业。在知识经
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本文从课前准备重经验、课堂教学重感受、课后延伸重发展三方面阐述了礼乐体验教学。 This article elaborates the teaching of ritual and music from three aspects: pre