
来源 :衡阳医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztzyls
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鳃裂囊肿由胚胎期鳃囊或鳃裂发育异常所形成,好发于颈侧部,个别可见于口咽部,后者如继发感染易形成瘘管,临床上常误诊为扁桃体周围脓肿,颌面间隙感染等。笔者在湖南省人民医院实习中收治一例,特报告如下; 患者男,28岁,因左咽部肿痛,反复流脓不愈3月余,于1982年6月1日入院。患者于三个月前因咽部肿痛,构音困难,突起发病,在当地区院诊断为“(?)智齿冠周炎并发颌面间隙感染”。经抗炎治疗后,咽部疼痛缓解,无构音困难,但左咽部肿胀不消。一个月后转入另一医院,于左咽部隆起区穿刺,抽出少许臭稠脓液,诊断为“左咽侧脓肿”。但经抗炎治 Cleft palpebral cysts are formed by embryonic hernia sac or cleft palate dysplasia. They occur in the lateral part of the neck and can be seen in the oropharynx. The latter can easily become fistulas if secondary infections. Clinically, they are often misdiagnosed as tonsillar abscesses. Face gap infection and so on. In the case of the author’s internship in Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, the special report is as follows; The patient male, 28 years old, was admitted to hospital on June 1st, 1982 due to swelling and pain in the left pharyngeal cavity and repeated bleeding for more than 3 months. The patient was diagnosed as having a “(?) periodontitis of wisdom teeth complicated with a maxillofacial space infection” in the local hospital because of a sore throat, dysarthria, and neuropathy three months ago. After anti-inflammatory treatment, the pain in the pharynx was relieved without difficulty in articulation, but the left pharynx did not disappear. One month later, she was transferred to another hospital. He was punctured in the uplifted area of ​​the left pharyngeal area. He took a little stinky pus and diagnosed as a “left pharyngeal abscess.” But after anti-inflammatory treatment
血管球瘤(glomus tumor),比较少见,临床上常因对本病认识不够,延误了诊断和治疗。笔者近年来经治的二例,即是在外院多次就医而未能确诊的病例,现报告如下,以引起注意。 例一
31、穿刺活检能否满意地发现骨肿瘤? 穿刺活检,曾被用于软组织病变或经证实骨转移性病变;至于以此法来发现原发性骨肿瘤的估价,文献上存在着不同的意见。Luis等报告了他们34
作者:Veronica Kavass出版:[美国]Welcome Books爱情故事,喜闻乐见。艺术家们的爱情,更让人欲罢不能。他们会说爱情是自己创作的灵感,也会说情殇是他们艺术生涯的羁绊。浪漫