
来源 :考试(高中文科) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chencm
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今年的历史试题,仍然注重考查学生对基础知识的掌握和运用;关注热点,例如科教兴国、东亚局势等;学科材料性特点突出,选择题有9道是材料型;适度关注重庆乡土历史,第37题中的“邹容及《革命军》”就是典型;教材观向课程观过渡,用新材料来创设新情境,综合题材料采取摘编,减少阅读时间;但试题过于求稳,创新不够,9道材料型选择题仅有2道引用了图,其余及综合题材料都是文字型材料。试题解析12题有效信息:“河南安阳”“妇好”。调用知识:青铜铸造为代表的手工业。 This year’s historical test questions still focus on examining students’ mastery and application of basic knowledge; they are concerned about hot spots such as rejuvenating the country through science and education, the situation in East Asia, etc.; the material characteristics of the subject are outstanding; nine items of multiple-choice questions are material; moderate attention to the history of local history in Chongqing, first The “Question of Zou Rong and the Revolutionary Army” in the 37 questions is typical; the transition from the teaching material view to the curriculum view, the use of new materials to create new situations, and the synthesis of material to take notes to reduce reading time; but the test questions are too stable and innovative Not enough. There are only 2 reference questions for the 9-item material multiple-choice questions. The rest and comprehensive question materials are text-based materials. The analysis of the test questions 12 questions effective information: “Anyang, Henan ” “women good ”. Calling knowledge: Bronze casting represented by the handicraft industry.
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