The developing Direction of Packaging Design in the New Media Age

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  Absrtact: the development and progress of the new media era has changed our way of life, affecting our way of obtaining information as same as the development of packaging art.
  This paper will explore the packaging art form in the new era, summarize the evolution and development of packaging art in the new media era, and explore the differences between the packaging in the new media era and that in the traditional media era.
  Key words: New Media, Art, Packaging
  Turning on the computer, the comparison of old and new photos, incessantly tells us about the progress of society and the change of times. When we recall our childhood, our memories about product packaging are oilpaper with some simple lines, the packaging materials and product packaging designs very different from todays. In the face of fierce competition in the market, the importance of product packaging is increasing. For example, moon cake is completely selling packaging designs of products. Whose design is unique and novel , who will sell well. But it also requires that the product packaging design must be integrated with the current popular elements.
  The packaging of the product will directly affect the customer's buying psychology, especially the female consumers, or people who draw attention to the appearance. They often buy some products that have a good design or a nice package but in fact useless. Therefore , we firstly analyze the main points of product packaging design.
  1.Product packaging design patterns, everyone has their own aesthetic concept, but from the standpoint of the broad masses, beautiful things will be loved by everyone[1]. At present, it seems that products with labels printed colored patterns, physical photographs. And star promotions sell better.
  2 The packaging label refers to a description of text, graphics, engraving, and printing attached to or tied to a product's sales package.
  3. Packaging logo refers to the external printed graphics, words and numbers of transport packaging and their combination. Packaging art is facing a new mode of spread in the new media era with the rapid dissemination of information in a sea of quantities. With the process of communication, the form of communication and the intervention of new technology, packaging art has undergone great changes. In this period, the interaction between packaging art and digital Internet, various technologies and media promotes the development of packaging art in a new stage. New packaging art form, art language dissemination mode, and communication form, have formed new technology, new ideas and new ways.   The development of new media has changed the packaging materials, packaging methods, packaging technology and so on. These changes not only meet the needs of The Times, but also bring convenience to people's rapid life style. With the progress of the times, the new packaging will accelerate the replacement of traditional packaging.
  The arrival of the industrial age has brought a series of environmental problems to human, such as air pollution, water pollution and new working methods, which make people pay more attention to low-carbon environmental protection than ever before and keeping in a good health will become more people’s life style. Therefore, the material of packaging will change greatly. Ecological packaging,aseptic packaging, anti-counterfeiting identification packaging will become the main material types in people's lives. The development of science and technology, on the contrary, makes people have more contact with nature. Simple and original packaging becomes very popular. The diversification of media has expanded the field of packaging art expression, and today's e-commerce status cannot be ignored. As a result of the rapid development of packaging transportation, safety has become a major problem, how to resist the powerful non-natural impact in the field of circulation has become a new topic of packaging. But online shopping also has a major advantage: consumers can fully and deeply understand the performance and specifications of products on the network, so that there is no need to print too many words on the packaging. Packaging’s another direction of development is to be concise.
  The replacement of ideas has resulted in the extension of the new concept of packaging art. The packaging of a product is no longer simply good-looking, but it carries more social concepts, including the enterprises' ideas, behavior, vision, etc. The packaging also bearing the responsibility of the society and perceived the pulse of social development, for consumers, we have passed the age of over-packaging, and ushered the turning point of the concept. New packaging emerges in endlessly, such as low-carbon packaging, green packaging, naked bags and so on. Consumer preferences and needs affect the development of packaging art.
  Our packaging from the material level to the spiritual level, from the primary stage to the advanced stage, from the pursuit of gorgeous to return to nature, is closely related to the change of concepts. This is the embodiment of the whole social culture, but also the process of human beings constantly surpassing themselves.
  Sometimes This abundant and rapid change is more difficult to remember. What a kind of contradictory times! . Packaging is no longer pure, and is closely related to our daily life, which shows diverse, charismatic art form, becoming an indispensable necessity around us.
  [1]Modern interpretation of Aestheticism by Shi Hongyu and Wang Erde[J]Qilu Yiyuan. 2003(01)
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