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自上世纪五、六十年代正式创办以来,技工学校作为培养企业技术工人的主要基地,获得了迅速发展。到上世纪九十年代中期,全国技工学校达到4500多所,在校生达到190多万人,成为技工学校发展的一个高峰期。进入21世纪后,党中央、国务院高度重视职业教育发展,连续召开了三次全国职业教育会议,技工教育迎来了新的发展期。近年来,通过整合、划转、改制和创新,技工教育资源得到优化,办学层次和水平得到提升,办学能力得到加强,呈现出良好的发展态势,在校生人数、招生规模和校生均规模大幅度提高,毕业生就业率每年都保持在95%以上。截止2008年底,全国共有技工院校3075所,其中高级技工学校485所。当年招生人数达161万人,其中高级工、预备技师和技师班学生超过47万人,在校生达398万人,全国技工院校平均就业率达到95.6%。技工学校创办以来,始终坚持为经济建设和企业生产培养一线技能劳动者的培养目标,不断探索与企业人才需求和劳动者就业紧密结合的办学方向和办学模式,形成了鲜明的办学特色,成为技能人才的综合培养基地和与就业联系最紧密的办学实体,并在农村劳动力转移、培养新型产业大军方面发挥了重要作用。特别是,在技工教育的发展过程中,逐步涌现出了一大批办学特色鲜明、办学成果显著的骨干示范性学校,成为我国职业教育的典范。 Since the official founding of the 1950s and 1960s, technical schools have enjoyed rapid development as the main bases for training skilled workers in enterprises. By the mid-1990s, the number of technical schools in the country reached more than 4,500, and the number of students in schools reached more than 1.9 million, making it a peak period for the development of technical schools. After entering the 21st century, the Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of vocational education and hold three consecutive national vocational education conferences, bringing about a new period of development for technical education. In recent years, with the consolidation, transfer, restructuring and innovation, the resources for technical education have been optimized, the level and level of running education have been upgraded, and the ability for running schools has been strengthened. This has shown a good momentum of development. The number of students, enrollment and the size of students Improve, the employment rate of graduates to maintain at more than 95% each year. By the end of 2008, there were 3075 mechanic and technical schools in China, including 485 high-skilled technical schools. There were 1.61 million enrolled students in the year, including more than 470,000 senior workers, technicians and technician class students, 3.98 million students, and an average employment rate of 95.6% in technical institutions throughout the country. Since the founding of the Technical School, it has always insisted on cultivating the training targets for first-rate skilled workers for economic construction and enterprise production, continuously explored the direction and mode of running schools that are closely integrated with the demand of enterprises and employers, and formed distinctive characteristics of running schools and becoming skills Personnel training base and the most closely connected with the employment of educational entities, and in the rural labor force transfer, training new industry forces played an important role. In particular, in the process of the development of mechanic education, a large number of key exemplary schools with distinctive characteristics of running schools and remarkable achievements in running schools have gradually emerged. They have become the model of vocational education in our country.
【摘 要】针对民族地区高校学生民族成分来源多元组成的现状,以詹姆斯·班克斯等人的多元文化教育理论作为指导,探讨从教学环境、教学方法、学习方法、学业评价等方面构建多元文化教学模式,并总结实施成效。  【关键词】高职英语 多元文化教学模式 构建  【中图分类号】 G 【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】0450-9889(2014)07C-0129-03  一、研究背景  广西是以壮族为主的少数民族聚居地