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  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  Need Effective Language Courses?
  Malvern House London is an independent English language school which was set up in 2019. Our school offers first-class teaching, supported by the latest technology. We are having a wide range of academic and business courses to meet the needs of all students.
  English for Conversation
  Improve conversations in English by practicing speaking, listening and pronunciation while learning new vocabulary with the English for Conversation course. You will become more fluent and confident when speaking.
  General English
  Our fun and attractive courses help to develop all four skills of the English language reading, writing, speaking and listening with a focus on improving your ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Our friendly and professional teaching team enjoys welcoming students of all levels.
  Business English
  English is the language of international business. Our Business English courses equip students for the global business stages, developing and practicing their Business English skills, especially paying attention to increasing their communication abilities. Students are generally young professionals undergraduates or postgraduates about to be engaged in(從事)their careers(事业).
  English for British Culture
  This course covers a huge range of topics, including: British History, The Monarchy, Politics, Food, Music, Fashion, Humour, British Social Etiquette, Free-time, Sport and, of course, the correct way to drink Tea. Training is delivered in small group or individual(个体的)classes that are often combined with General English or IELTS preparation. It is ideal for anyone who wants to learn more about the people of the UK.
  21. What can students learn in English for Conversation?
  A. Business English skills.
  B. British culture and history.
  C. Writing and speaking skills.
  D. Vocabularies for conversation.
  22. What do General English and Business English have in common?
  A. They help raise communication abilities.
  B. They helped students improve four skills.
  C. They offer the business stages to students.
  D. They both welcome students of any level.
  23. What’s special about English for British Culture?
  A. Enable students to speak fluently.   B. Offer various topics on British culture.
  C. Give training in large groups or classes.
  D. Help students prepare for future careers.
  Roxli Doss is one of the most happy-go-lucky kids you could ever wish to meet. At eleven, Roxli is much like any other girl around her age. She likes playing with her friends and riding horses. Until one day when she started experiencing bad headaches for the first time.
  Roxli’s parents took her to the family doctor who referred her to a specialist. The Doss family broke downwhen the results showed that the little girl had a rare, hopeless brain cancer, which is called DIPG. DIPG is really rare, affecting between 200-300 children in the US annually. And the cause is unknown.
  Not satisfied with just one doctor’s opinion, the Doss’s went to visit five different doctors across five different hospitals in the hope that the result was wrong. When all five doctors agreed with each other, the Doss family prayed even harder than before and started to raise cash for Roxli.
  The doctor suggested that Roxli take radiation, because it can extend the life of a cancer sufferer. Meantime, Roxli’s parents were praying regularly at their local church for a miracle(奇跡).
  Roxli was lucky that the cancer was discovered early and accepted the treatment immediately. She needed to be in the hospital for six weeks to see if she would react well to the radiation. After six full weeks of radiation, the doctors found it actually unbelievable to see that the cancer had totally disappeared. Roxli made medical history as she is the first patient whose cancer was completely removed by radiation.
  As religious people, Roxli’s parents have been praying and giving thanks to God for the way their daughter has recovered from cancer. They are feeling hopeful for Roxli’s future and are praying on a regularbasis that the cancer doesn’t return.
  24. What happened to Roxli Doss?
  A. She had a terrible headache.
  B. She suffered from DIPG.
  C. She refused to consult specialist.
  D. She broke her brain while riding.
  25. What was the Doss’s attitude to the five doctors’ conclusion?
  A. They broke down.
  B. They felt hopeless.
  C. They never gave up.
  D. They were not satisfied.
  26. What does the underlined“it”in paragraph 4 refer to?
  A. Radiation.
【时文展示】  “三代内无大学生”是新“出身论”吗?  张贵峰  10月28日,中国人民大学公布该校的自主招生政策:将在明年自主选拔录取招生考试中实行“圆梦计划”。其中要求被推荐的考生平时成绩排名为所在中学的前10%,且家庭中三代之内无大学生的农村户籍学生。此项改革措施刚出炉,却引来“新出身论”等质疑。  在“寒门难出贵子”越来越引起社会关注的当下,中国人民大学自主招收农村贫困生要求“三代无大学生
一、设计性与生成性的课堂矛盾  教学过程中设计性与生成性问题是一组相对的概念。我国古代先贤的启发式教学、古希腊对话式的教学、中世纪教会学校模式都将设计性与生成性并举。在教育的发展过程中,设计性越来越占据了高位,生成性逐渐处于从属地位。及至在我国过去几十年的中学课堂中,最常见的课堂模式就是教师以教材中某课课文(或是某个主题)为中心,在教师用书的“指导”下,提出一系列预设性问题,在45分钟内以教授为主
【真题呈现】  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60分)  据近期来华留学生的调查,他们较为关注的“中国关键词”有:一带一路、大熊猫、广场舞、中华美食、长城、共享单车、京剧、空气污染、美丽乡村、食品安全、高铁、移动支付。  请从中选择两三个关键词来呈现你所认识的中国,写一篇文章帮助外国青年读懂中国。要求选好关键词,使之形成有机的关联;选好角度,明确文体,自拟题目;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于800字
出生在上海,成长在上海,到了上学的年纪却被送回安徽,上了一所民办寄宿制学校。  这是一群“候鸟学生”,学校上一个月课放10天假,放假的时候学校安排车送他们回上海。  他们的户籍在安徽农村,但心中的家在上海,虽然那里没有他们的户口、房子,但有他们的父母。  要么是流动儿童,要么是留守儿童,甚至是既流动又留守的再迁儿童,北京市社会科学院研究员韩嘉玲给进城务工人员子女冠以这样的名称。  “我不想给他们污
2017年语文高考在万众瞩目之下如期而至,在保持稳定的前提下,又有多处尝试与突破。但一切皆在考纲之内,形式的灵活代表了出题者的智慧与艺术,能力考察点依旧锁定在语文核心素养中。本文将针对一般论述类文章,尝试总结2017年高考这一题目带给我们的启示。  一、嗅觉灵敏,打破思维惯性  (一)相较于近3年全国高考卷,2017年高考一般论述类文章有两大创新。  其一,题干设置略施陷阱  这是近三年课标全国I
2020年的高考硝烟还未褪去,2021年的高考备战已经“磨刀霍霍”了。众所周知,每年的高考都备受关注,尤其是语文学科中的作文,更是过尤而不及:大街小巷议论纷纷,头条报刊不遗余力,甚至生发无数有关写作锦囊妙计的书籍,欲以受到青睐。为了让众多考生在备考中能够掌握一定的写作技巧,以此提高考场作文分值,笔者结合近20年的作文教学和写作经验,分享给各位高三学子一个小小的实用妙招,即用好人称,著写华章!  一
高晓松有一句流传很广的话:生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。其实,眼前不只有苟且,也有诗、梦想与温情。孔子深陷困厄依然弦歌不绝;韩愈被贬潮州犹能驱鳄兴学。俞敏洪在痛苦的世界里尽力而为;顾准在绝望中寻找希望。面对生活,是得过且过还是心向远方?是听天由命还是奋起抗争?是痛苦迷茫还是兴高采烈?这都取决于我们的态度与选择。  心志坚定,可出淤泥而不染;品性不纯,入芝兰之室难品芳香。豁达者在陋巷而不改其乐;
学习共同体是指由学习者及其助学者构成的共同学习的组织,而教师学习共同体可以概括为通过对话、合作和分享性活动来促进教师专业成长的教师团体,强调教师的共同目标和兴趣。  教师专业发展关乎教育的发展与成败,板厂小学以教师专业发展为基础,积极探索构建教师学习共同体的模式,以“文化、制度、技术”三维度的保障体系为基础,构建学校、教研组、年级组三层次教师学习共同体,助力教师教学水平和管理能力的提升,推动学校教