Estimation of Critical Temperature of Thermal Explosion for Trinitromethyl Explosives by Non-isother

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kugsa74
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Two general expressions and their six derived formulae for estimating the critical temperature(Tb) of thermal explosion for energetic materials(EMs) were derived from the Semenov’s thermal explosion theory and eight non-isothermal kinetic equations via reasonable hypothesis. We can easily obtain the values of the initial temperature(T0i) at which DSC curve deviates from the baseline of the non-isothermal DSC curve of EMs, the onset temperature(Tei), the exothermic decomposition reaction kinetic parameters and the values of T00 and Te0 from the equation T0i or ei=T00 or e0+α1βi+α2βi2+···+αL–2βiL–2, i=1, 2, ···, L and then calculate the values of Tb by means of the six derived formulae. The results obtained with the six derived calculating methods for six trinitromethyl explosives: bis(2,2,2- trinitroethyl-N-nitro) ethylene diamine(BTNEDA), 2,2,2-trinitroethyl-4,4,4-trinitrobutyrate(TNETB), bis(2,2,2- trinitroethyl) formal(BNTF), bis(2,2,2-trinitroethyl-nitramine)(BTNNA), 2,2,2-trinitroethyl-2,2,2-trinitroethyl-N- nitroamino acetate(TNTNNA) and tetrakis [2,2,2-trinitroethyl] orthoester(TTNOE) agree well with each other. Two general expressions and their six derived formulas for estimating the critical temperature (Tb) of thermal explosion for energetic materials (EMs) were derived from the Semenov’s thermal explosion theory and eight non-isothermal kinetic equations via a reasonable hypothesis. of the initial temperature (T0i) at which DSC curve deviates from the baseline of the non-isothermal DSC curve of EMs, the onset temperature (Tei), the exothermic decomposition reaction kinetic parameters and the values ​​of T00 and Te0 from the equation T0i or ei = T00 or e0 + α1βi + α2βi2 + ···· αL-2βiL-2, i = 1, 2, ···, L and then calculate the values ​​of Tb by means of the six derived formulae. The results obtained with the the six derived calculating methods for six trinitromethyl explosives: bis (2,2,2- trinitroethyl-N-nitro) ethylene diamine (BTNEDA), 2,2,2- trinitroethyl- 4,4,4-trinitrobutyrate (TNETB), bis 2,2,2-trinitroethyl) formal (BNTF), bis (2,2,2-trinitroethyl-nitramine) (BTNNA ), 2,2,2-trinitroethyl-2,2,2-trinitroethyl-N-nitroamino acetate (TNTNNA) and tetrakis [2,2,2- trinitroethyl] orthoester (TTNOE)
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