抓重点求突破 发展乡村经济

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在乡镇担任领导干部,我的体会是一定要按照邓小平同志指出的“发展才是硬道理”的理论去抓工作,促发展。在抓工作中还要紧紧围绕“重点工作重点抓,重点工作求突破”的工作思路展开,这样才能更好地以经济建设为中心,以改革开放为动力,加快乡村经济发展步伐。一、靠科技增强农业基础地位,使农业生产有新的突破农业是国民经济的基础,靠科技才能使农业振兴。我和乡里的其他领导一起,下决心增加农业的科技含量。三年来,我们高薪聘请了10多名农业专家、农业技术员,组织他们深入村组示范指导,大力开展送科技下乡活动。累计向农户无偿发放科技书籍4000多册,技术咨询、科学指导2万多次,在全乡范围内逐步形成了学技术、用科技的良好氛围,使粮食作物在旱涝灾害交替的情况下,年递增2.5%以上。在稳定粮食生产的同时, As a leading cadre in a township, my understanding is that we must grasp the work and promote development in accordance with the theory that “development is the last word” as Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out. In the work of grasping, we should focus on the work train of thought focusing on key tasks and making breakthroughs in key tasks so that we can better take economic construction as the center and reform and opening up as the driving force to accelerate the pace of rural economic development. First, by science and technology to enhance the basic position of agriculture, a breakthrough in agricultural production Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, relying on science and technology in agriculture can revitalize. Together with other leaders in the village, I decided to increase the scientific and technological content of agriculture. In the past three years, we hired more than 10 agricultural experts and agricultural technicians at high salaries and organized them to conduct demonstrations and guidance in-depth village groups and vigorously carried out activities to send science and technology to the countryside. Accumulated more than 4,000 scientific and technological books and technical advice and more than 20,000 scientific and technological instructions have been distributed to farmers on a voluntary basis. Technology and science and technology have been gradually formed in the whole township to make food crops alternate in droughts and floods. Increased by 2.5% or more. While stabilizing food production,
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