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谚云:百菜不如白菜。应该说,白菜完全担当得起这个美誉。在国人眼里,白菜的确是蔬菜里最重要的菜,是当家菜。说重要,我看理由至少有三。一是好吃。白菜很难说具有令人垂涎的奇香,平平淡淡,普普通通,但就是吃了还想吃,一年四季吃也吃不厌,不像有些菜连吃三四顿就不想吃了。论形貌,白菜在它的同类中算得上仪表丰伟,却又朴实无华,雍容大方,不俗不娇,感觉颇有大家气派,或日(蔬菜中的)王者气。我国古人和我们一样,也特别喜欢吃白菜,留下了赞美白菜味道的诗文。南朝有人作文,说他最爱吃的蔬菜是秋末的白菜。元人许有壬用“清风牙颊响”的诗句,写出了生调白菜的清脆可口。白菜的吃法甚多,生熟皆宜,荤素均可,与鸡鸭鱼肉虾都能搭配,甜酸辣咸都好吃。除了做菜,还可以做成饺馅、面点、饮料。经过腌、渍、泡,还能制成风味独特的酸菜、泡菜。二是营养丰富。据分析测定,每100克大白菜 As the saying goes: a hundred dishes as cabbage. It should be said that cabbage can afford to take full advantage of this reputation. In the eyes of the people, cabbage is indeed the most important vegetable vegetables, is when the dishes. Said important, I think there are at least three reasons. First, delicious. Cabbage is hard to say with mouth-watering balsamic, plain, ordinary, but it is also eaten to eat, eaten throughout the year also eat, unlike some dishes even eat three or four do not want to eat. On the appearance of cabbage in its class can be counted Feng Wei instrument, but unpretentious, grace generous, not vulgar, feel quite masters, or Japanese (vegetables) king of gas. Like our ancients, we also like to eat cabbage, leaving the taste of praise cabbage poetry. Some people wrote in the Southern Dynasty, said his favorite vegetable is late autumn cabbage. Yuan Xu people have used “Breeze cheek ring ” poem, wrote the tone of raw cabbage crisp and delicious. Cabbage eat much, raw and cooked, meat and vegetables can be, and poultry and shrimp can mix, sweet and sour salty are delicious. In addition to cooking, dumplings can also be made, pasta, drinks. After pickled, stains, bubbles, but also made a unique flavor of pickled cabbage, kimchi. Second, nutrient-rich. According to the analysis, every 100 grams of Chinese cabbage
这是网友们在网上的自由发言,未经过编辑、删改,因此不代表本刊的意见,仅是网友们个人的看法。 This is a netizen’s free speech on the Internet, without editing, cens
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黑客,是 hacker 的音义混译,其hack 一词,来自于美国麻省理工学院的一个网络学生组织。国际上对hacker 的广义定义为:利用特殊技术手段,进入其权限以外的网络系统里的“客人