Patterned growth of ZnO nanofibers

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyansua
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A simple method is adopted to grow ZnO nanofibers laterally among the patterned seeds designed in advance on silicon substrate.The preparation of seed lattices is carried out by lithographing the metal zinc film evaporated on the substrate.A layer of aluminum is covered on the zinc layer to prevent the ZnO nanorods vertically growing on the top surface.After oxidation,the patterned ZnO/Al2O3 spots are formed at the sites for the horizontal growth of ZnO nanofibers by the vapor phase transportation(VPT) method using the zinc powders as source material. A simple method is adopted to grow ZnO nanofibers laterally among the patterned seeds designed in advance on silicon substrate. The preparation of seed lattices is carried out by lithographing the metal zinc film evaporated on the substrate. A layer of aluminum is covered on the zinc layer to prevent the ZnO nanorods vertically growing on the top surface. After oxidation, the patterned ZnO / Al2O3 spots are formed at the sites for the horizontal growth of ZnO nanofibers by the vapor phase transportation (VPT) method using the zinc powders as source material.
本文通过时现代商住楼的分析,指出它们存在着功能干扰、结构复杂和形态矛质等方面的问题,并通过一个设计实例,从现代功能组织和传统形式引用的角度出发提出相应的对策。 Thr
通过实验数据和理论分析,对小型低压锅炉常规化学清洗方法进行了部分改进,缩短了清洗时间,减少了清洗剂用量,提高了清洗效果. Through the experimental data and theoretical an
<正> 山西省考古研究所编著。上、下册,正文509页,插图232幅,彩版4版,黑白版320版。文物出版社1993年11月出版。《侯马铸铜遗址》发掘报告在文物考古界的热切期望中问世了。侯马遗址自发掘之日始就为学者们所瞩目,它不仅揭示了东周晋国都城新田的所在,而且揭开了一个古代铸铜工场的面貌。而这铸铜工场是尚处于青铜器繁荣时期、属于东周强国的工场,它将能从铸造的领域反映出这一时代青铜器发展的水
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