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主办者的话 当前,随着中国进一步改革开放,政治稳定,经济高速度发展,贸易迅速增长,各行各业对小电机需求日益增多。市场繁荣促进了中国大陆小电机工业的发展,1997年在中国大陆生产的各类小电机达15亿多台套。但是,我国的小电机制造业也面临繁重的技术改造和产品结构调整任务,只有迅速提高生产能力和产品质量,提高产品档次,扩大品种范围,才能提高市场竞争能力。 为了促进生产企业与用户、电机制造企业与设备制造企业、国内企业和海外企业间的广泛交流与合作,我们自1996年开始,连续主办了两届中国小电机制造技术研讨会和展览会,参观人员众多,取得良好效果,在行业中引起热烈反响,一致认为该类专业性强的技术展针对性强,实用性大,效果很好。今年,将主办第三届,讨论和展示的范围更加广泛,除了仍然保留前二届“制造技术”的主题外,“小电机的应用技术”也将成为研讨的重点。随着我国家用电气化、办公电脑化、工业自动化的技术发展,对小电机的多样化需求迅速增长,如何合理的选用以及生产厂家怎样满足用户要求的问题,均可通过交流、产品展示得以解决。本次展览,估计参观的技术人员将达到数万人次。我们将展会地址选在上海,能够发挥它具有国际大都市的优势,上海已逐渐形成全国的经济、金融、贸易中心并具有? The sponsor’s words At present, with China’s further reform and opening up, political stability, rapid economic development, and rapid trade growth, the demand for small motors is increasing in all walks of life. The prosperity of the market has promoted the development of the small motor industry in mainland China. In 1997, more than 1.5 billion sets of small motors were produced in mainland China. However, China’s small motor manufacturing industry is also facing heavy technical transformation and product structure adjustment tasks. Only by rapidly increasing production capacity and product quality, improving product quality, and expanding product range can we increase market competitiveness. In order to promote extensive exchanges and cooperation between manufacturers and users, motor manufacturers and equipment manufacturers, domestic companies and overseas companies, we have been sponsoring two sessions of the China Small Motor Manufacturing Technology Seminar and Exhibition since 1996. Many people have achieved good results and have received enthusiastic responses in the industry. They all agree that this type of professional and highly technical exhibition is highly targeted, practical, and effective. This year, the third session will be held. The scope of discussion and display will be more extensive. In addition to the theme of “manufacturing technology” of the previous two sessions, the “application technology of small motors” will also be the focus of discussions. With the development of home electrification, office computerization and industrial automation in China, the diversified demand for small motors has grown rapidly. How to make reasonable choices and how manufacturers can meet user requirements can be solved through communication and product display. In this exhibition, it is estimated that the visiting technical staff will reach tens of thousands of people. We selected the exhibition address in Shanghai, and it can take advantage of its international metropolis. Shanghai has gradually formed a national economic, financial and trade center and has it?
成立于1988年的香港骏溢电子有限公司(UniTrend Electronics Limited)是研制、开发和生产数字万用表等精密电子测试仪器的专用公司,10年来凭着锲而不舍追求优异品质的努力和
编辑同志: 《中国民兵》第4期特别报道《尽快给专武干部授予预备役军官军衔》等三篇文章真是说出了我们专武干部的心里话,我们盼望着这一天早日到来。 我们虽然着军服,但佩
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“1995年刚上任,就有人对我说‘你这任厂长可不好当!’当时我比谁都明白这句话的分量”。谈起当厂长的经历,南京药械厂的卢存义感触颇深。 不管别人说什么,依旧我行我素 “
日本电子机械工业协会对2002年度产业用电子仪器需求预测如下: 据资料统计,1998年度(1998年4月~1999年3月)产业用电子仪器需求量将增长6.3%,达到17兆9574亿日元,平均增长率为
人民广场有个“红娘角”。每到傍晚东一摊西一摊的人头攒动,热闹非凡。有个中年妇女,像蜜蜂似的串来串去,忙得不亦乐乎。此人名叫李梦莲,乍看上去长得清清秀秀,人家还以为她在为自己找对象,其实她是在为女儿姣姣招女婿。    李梦莲女儿姣姣大学毕业,有了工作。但对象问题还没着落,李梦莲担心女儿会变剩女。于是,皇帝不急太监急。她去“红娘角”转了几圈,发现父母为女儿找女婿的多,为儿子找媳妇的少。李梦莲想,凭我女