
来源 :中国社会科学院研究生院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangcong8888
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从以往奥运会主办城市的经济运行实际情况出发,分析主办奥运会对主办城市的经济影响。从中可以看到,注意力资源相对集中在主办城市和所在国家而带来的阶段性加速发展的经济现象是奥运经济影响的核心内涵。奥运会对举办城市的经济影响可以分为正面和负面影响两个方面。正面影响包括:对潜在经济增长的影响和相关产业的拉动作用、扩大就业、拉动相关产业、提高当地企业品牌度等,其中,促进经济增长和扩大就业是最重要的指标。负面影响包括:奥运前期需求超额增长造成供求失衡引发价格上涨,奥运会后期场馆设施闲置,造成局部经济衰退;奥运投资造成排挤效应;城市非受益人群福利受损等,其中,供求失衡造成的经济波动是核心的问题。 Starting from the actual situation of the economic operation of the host cities of the previous Olympic Games, the economic impact of hosting the Olympic Games on the host cities is analyzed. It can be seen that the economic phenomenon of the accelerated phase-by-stage development brought by the relative concentration of attention resources in the host cities and host countries is the core connotation of the Olympic economic impact. The economic impact of the Olympic Games on host cities can be divided into two aspects, positive and negative. The positive impacts include: the impact on potential economic growth and the pulling effect of related industries, the expansion of employment, the promotion of related industries and the enhancement of the brand degree of local enterprises. Among them, promoting economic growth and expanding employment are the most important indicators. Negative effects include: the excessive growth of demand in the early Olympic Games led to price increases caused by the imbalance between supply and demand, the late Olympic Games venues leisure facilities, resulting in a partial economic recession; the Olympic investment caused crowding-out effect; benefits of urban non-beneficiary groups, etc., of which the imbalance between supply and demand caused by economic fluctuations Is the core issue.
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摘要:课堂提问碎问碎答的原因:一是所提问题和内容的指向性不明确;二是教师随口而问的“提问群”冲淡了“主问题”;三是教师提问后没有给学生足够的考虑时间。实现教学有效性,要避免碎问碎答,优化课堂提问。首先,教师要深入解读文本;其次,教师要设置好主问题;最后,要让学生动起来,把问题变成一系列有情味的活动。  关键词:解读;设置;动态  一堂课的成功,在很大程度上来自于教师课堂提问的质量。课堂提问的有效性
一氧化氮 (NO)作为重要的细胞信息分子[1] ,在低浓度氧 (低氧 )情况下 ,尤其是低氧所致的新生儿肺动脉高压 (PH)的发生发展中具有重要作用。近年的研究表明 ,急慢性缺氧所致的PH ,
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