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各市州、县市区人民政府,省直和中央在湘有关单位:为了做好计划用电工作,现就有关问题通知如下:一、各地各有关部门要增强全局意识,严格实行计划用电。由于持续干旱少雨,全省水电出力大幅减少,而火电受燃煤供应紧张的影响,且发电机组长时间高负荷运行,部分机组不得不安排停机检修,难以稳发满发,外省(?)湘电力已达输送极限。虽然从11月5日起省电网实行计划用电,采取拉闸限电措施,但电力供应仍存在较大缺口。随着气温降低,元旦、春节的到来,电煤供应将更加紧张,冬季取暖及生活等各种用电需求不断增加,电力供应的缺口将进一步加大。在当前电力供应紧张时期,要科学合理安排好用电 People’s governments of cities, counties, and counties in cities and counties, and provincial and central government-affiliated units in Hunan: In order to make plans for electricity use, the relevant issues are hereby notified as follows: 1. All localities and departments concerned must strengthen their overall awareness and strictly implement planned electricity use. As a result of continuous drought and less rain, the province’s hydropower output has been greatly reduced, and the thermal power generation has been affected by the tight supply of coal, and the generator sets have been operating at high load for a long time. Some units have to be shut down for overhaul, making it difficult to achieve full stability. (?) The power has reached the delivery limit. Although from the 5th of November, the provincial power grid implements planned power use and adopts power cut measures, there is still a large gap in power supply. With the decrease of temperature, the arrival of New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival, the supply of electricity will be more intense, and the demand for various kinds of electricity such as heating and living in winter will continue to increase, and the gap in electricity supply will further increase. In the current period of tight electricity supply, we must scientifically and reasonably arrange electricity use.
1923年1月11日,一个大人物卡罗尔·谢尔比从这里诞生。卡罗尔的老爸是一个邮递员,起初他靠骑马来邮递信件,1927年他买了一辆旧汽车,传奇的故事从这里讲起。 On January 11,