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高校党务公开是确保党内权力在阳光下运行的前提条件,是推进高校党内民主建设的有效路径,也是保持高校党的先进性和纯洁性、提高高校党的建设科学化水平的内在要求。经过试点和推广,高校党务公开在实践中取得了显著成效,主要包括党务公开内容的合理界定、党务公开平台的主体建构、党务公开制度的顶层设计、党员参与意识的初步激活、党员主体地位的日益彰显等。但与此同时,我们还必须正视高校党务公开工作中存在的一些问题,如党务公开内容缺乏时效性、全面性和利益相关性,公开与保密自由裁量困难,党员兴趣度和参与率整体不高,党务公开相关制度安排缺位,等等。为此,需要在今后的高校党务公开实践中完善党务公开内容、丰富党务公开形式、明确党务公开内容的标准、培育党员主体意识和参与意识、健全党务公开制度,进一步提高党务公开实效。 The openness of party affairs in colleges and universities is a precondition for ensuring that inner-party power runs in the sunshine, an effective way to promote democracy in-party democracy in colleges and universities, and an inherent requirement for maintaining the advanced nature and purity of the party in colleges and universities and improving the scientific level of party building in colleges and universities. After the pilot and the popularization, the open party affairs in colleges and universities have made remarkable achievements in practice, including the rational definition of the party’s openness, the main body construction of the party’s open platform, the top-level design of the open party system, the initial activation of the party members’ sense of participation, the dominant position of party members Increasingly demonstrated. However, at the same time, we must also face up to some problems existing in the open work of party affairs in universities, such as lack of timeliness, comprehensiveness and interest-relatedness in party affairs disclosure, difficulty in open and confidential discretion, lack of interest and participation rate among party members , The lack of open institutional arrangements related to party affairs, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the open content of party affairs, enrich the open form of party affairs, clarify the open standards of party affairs, raise awareness of party members and awareness of participation, improve the openness of party affairs, and further enhance the effectiveness of open party affairs in the future public affairs of party affairs in colleges and universities.
研究背景:  非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD):指除酒精和其他明确的对肝脏有损伤的因素所导致的肝细胞内脂肪过度累积,与机体胰岛素抵抗和遗传易感性有着密切关系,是一种获得性代谢应
我从1991年4月起专职从事新闻报道工作,在3年半的时间里,被人民日报用稿7篇。有通讯员问我,上人民日报有何窍门?我归结为6个字:主题、栏目、火候。 选准主题 我常常把本地的
摘 要: 在小学语文教学中运用多媒体,可以有效激发学生的学习兴趣、丰富教学内容及强化思想教育效果,教师可以在教学导入环节、教学演示环节、思想教育环节及教学流程安排等方面下工夫,更好地发挥信息媒体的促进作用。  关键词: 小学语文 多媒体教学 分析研究  随着教学现代化的发展,多媒体手段越来越多地融入小学语文教学,成为广大教师打造生动课堂的得力助手,笔者主要针对这一方面进行简要的分析。  一、多媒体
摘 要: 小学语文作为小学课堂体系的重要构成部分,对小学生进行其他学科的学习具有十分重要的影响作用,同时它作为学生学习的启蒙学科,对小学生健康乐观人格的形成有积极的影响,因此如何切实提高小学语文教学效率成为新课改背景下小学课程教学研究的主要问题之一。对于我国部分小学而言,小学语文教学发展具有一定的滞后性,同时受传统教育教学理念的影响,部分教师在教学过程中仍旧存在一定的问题,且这些问题的存在对小学生