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我国经济的快速发展带动了各行各业的发展,建筑行业是我国经济增长的重要支柱产业,经济的发展、社会的进步、城市进程的加速都给我国建筑业的发展带来了新的契机,使得我国建筑行业得以迅猛的发展,建筑行业的稳健发展离不开建筑的设计工作,然而在建筑结构越来越复杂的今天,传统的建筑设计工作不足以满足建筑业的发展,BIM(Building Information Modeling)即建筑信息模型,从出现至今已有十余年的时间,技术的发展也较为成熟,对于建筑设计的应用也逐步开始推广和应用,在市场上的应用过程中也得到了一定的认可和肯定,BIM技术在建筑设计中的应用能够实现建筑设计的现代化立体化的效果,能够适应当今建筑结构的复杂性,进而增强建筑行业的企业的核心竞争力,对于建筑行业的发展具有重要的意义。 The rapid economic development of our country has led to the development of all walks of life. The construction industry is an important pillar industry of our country’s economic growth. Economic development, social progress and acceleration of urbanization have all brought new opportunities for the development of China’s construction industry. The rapid development of China’s construction industry, the steady development of the construction industry can not be separated from the design of the building, but in the increasingly complex architectural structure today, the traditional architectural design work is not enough to meet the construction industry, BIM (Building Information Modeling is the building information model. Since its emergence more than ten years ago, the development of technology has been relatively mature. The application of architectural design has also been gradually popularized and applied, and it has also been approved in the market. And certainly, the application of BIM technology in architectural design can achieve the modern three-dimensional effect of architectural design, to adapt to the complexity of today’s building structure, and then enhance the core competitiveness of the construction industry, which is important for the development of the construction industry significance.
改革开放以来,私营企业为中国经济的持续增长作出突出贡献,加入WTO后,他们站在了二次创业的十字路口。生或是死?带着哈姆雷特式的疑问,中国的私营企业必须作出抉择。 Since
湖北省人民政府办公大楼位于武昌洪山路省政府大院内,总建筑面积35000m2, 地上十二层(裙房三层),地下室一层。其主要功能为政府机关行政办公,兼具接待、会议功能,并包含公务
“奶粉产量、销量连续9年居全国同行业第一位。”在车间里,三鹿员工们向记者津津乐道。 集“奶牛饲养、科研开发、乳品加工”于一体的石家庄三鹿集团,2001年销售奶粉5.2万吨