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已过不惑之年的他,在人大机关工作已有12个年头。12年来,他始终如一地默默工作在自己的岗位上,洒下辛勤的汗水,倾注满腔的热忱,12载默默无私奉献,12载勤奋努力耕耘,在平凡的岗位上谱写了不平凡的人生。他,连续四届当选县人大代表,连续三届当选县人大常委会委员,连续五年被县委授予“先进工作者”荣誉称号。在他的带领下,县人大常委会办公室连续八年被评为县级“文明单 He has passed the age of no doubts and has 12 years of work in the organs of the NPC. Over the past 12 years, he has consistently worked quietly in his position, sheding hard sweat, pouring full of enthusiasm, 12 silent selfless dedication, 12 diligent hard work, in the extraordinary position of writing an extraordinary life. He, for four consecutive elected County People’s Congress, elected for three consecutive members of the county people’s congress, for five consecutive years by the county awarded ”advanced worker“ honorary title. Under his leadership, the county people’s congress office for eight consecutive years was named county ”civilized single
采用振动弦黏度/密度计对二乙二醇二甲醚的密度和黏度进行了实验测量,测量的温度范围为243.15~323.15 K,压力范围为0.1~20 MPa。实验系统密度和黏度测量的不确定度分别为±0.2%
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