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  杰拉德 译
  Beauty Channel
  As a mother of a strong, and indepen-dent 23-year-old married daughter, I was especially excited when she got her 1)cosmetology license. Since then she went on to get a 2)Commercial Driver’s License so she could 3)team with her 4)over the road truck-driving husband.
  I know my daughter’s energy is wasted on me; the mother who has lived under a rock for many years as far as style and fashion is concerned. A few years ago she begged and pleaded with me to stop wearing blue 5)eye shadow and was successful in 6)presenting 7)autumn blends to my eyes.
  So, when she said, ‘Mom, you really need a 8)drastic change,” I knew I was entering dangerous and unknown territory once again.
  The day finally came when she came to me with9)scissors in hand and said, ‘Sit here, I’m giving you a Ônew look’!”
  I’ve worn my hair shoulder length with curls since the early 80’s...never 10)veering too far from the overall picture. If you placed my family photos next to each other throughout the years, the only sign of change would be in my 11)laugh lines!
  As I write this story, I am still in shock of it all. I know when children are growing up that they 12)register major events, which cause psychological turning points in their lives. Most specifically, my daughter’s childhood memories and her 13)inward desire to defeat the 14)empress of 15)destiny, her mother!
  Armed with determination and sharp scissors, my daughter began the attack...all the while exclaiming, ‘Mother, you are the one who has been saying you need a new hairstyle! I am only doing what YOU have wanted for so long!” I saw at my feet, 16)reddish-17)blonde curls 18)stacking around in a little 19)puff. My heart racing, and attempting to stay 20)composed, I said, ‘How much longer?”
  Finally, the ritual was complete. Married daughter and the mature and aging mother, who is 21)stripped of all dignity, stand next to each other looking into the mirror. Holly begins the expected and normal 22)accreditation process: ‘Mother, you are so cute and 23)adorable!”
  Now, how many 48-year-old women do you refer to as ‘cute and adorable?” That was the first clue she was nervous and needed to break the silence, as I was turning 24)ashen from the horror of it all! At this point memories of long-necked 25)giraffe’s in the wild, 26)coupled with my four-inch-long German ears exposed, traveled at high speed through my thoughts, not to forget that I never, ever realized my nose was as large as it is!
  I screamed. I think it began with the cute and adorable comment, or maybe it was the comment, ‘I tried to cut some of the gray hairs out....” but, it began: that long, and fearful, abandoned teenage girl who had a 27)pimple come up right before her date with the most popular boy in school type of SCREAM!
  We were no longer standing side by side. I, 28)hysterical...and the daughter, in fear of her ‘mother” several feet away, began crying too.
  Immediately, the responsible and semi-mature mother seeing her daughter in tears, and realizing the impact of the situation had caused a loss of 29)self-esteem and self-confidence for us both, stopped and said, ‘honey, it is not you! I am upset with me and the 30)insane idea that I wanted to change! You are a wonderful 31)beautician....”
  My words seemed to make her feel a little better when she said a little styling 32)gel would make a great big difference in the style...and something else about a ‘wet” look.
  So, I have a new hairstyle to get used to. I also have a very cool hairstyle for the 33)upcoming 34)Texas summer heat. And, I have something to look forward to: my hair growing out again so I can see the reddish-blonde curls softly falling around my shoulders instead of on the floor in little puffs.
  I hate change, but love new beginnings. Here are to new beginnings every day of your life!
  因而,当她告诉我说:“妈妈,你真的需要来一个彻底的改变了。” 我知道,我将会再次进入“危险而未知”的境地。
  我疯狂地尖叫起来。我想我的失控源于女儿那句“可爱迷人”的评价,又或者源于她说了一句“我想剪掉那些灰白的头发……” 总之,我就是不可控制地尖叫起来,就像是一个青春期少女在和全校最受欢迎的帅哥约会前,突然发现脸上长了颗痘痘而发出的长时间、充满恐惧而声嘶力竭的尖叫。


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