贯彻大家办建材 陕西建材大发展

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“大家办建材”方针的贯彻落实,极大地推动了陕西建材工业的发展。两年来,系统外各部门为发展陕西建材工业投入的资金就达1.8亿多元,形成了一批新的生产能力。特别是开发了大量新产品,填补了陕西建材工业的一些空白,形成以西安为中心的初具规模的新型建材工业生产基地。同时,各部门办建材普遍注意应用先进的工艺设备和管理手段,一些乡镇企业也开始注意改造落后工艺和设备,促进了建材行业的技术进步。据1985年统计,全省建材工业总产值(含乡村工业)10.4亿元,比1984年增长26.3%,其中系统外6.7亿元,增长33%。1986年,全省建材工业总产值(含乡村工业)达到12.5亿元,比1985年增长20.7%,其中系统外8.6亿元,增长27.4%。水泥、玻璃、玻璃纤维、建筑卫生陶瓷、水泥设备等重点建材产品的产量,都得到了较快发展。水泥产量达到440万吨,缓和了供需矛盾,其中系统外水泥产量180万吨,比1985年增长40.5%。我省建材工业蓬勃发展的大好形势,充分说明“大家办建材”的方针是正确的。当然目前也还存在一些问题,主要是:条块分割,缺乏统筹协调的手段,盲目发展、破坏资源和毁坏良田的现象比较严重,相当数量的乡村建材 The implementation of the “Building Materials for Everyone” policy has greatly promoted the development of Shaanxi’s building materials industry. In the past two years, all departments outside the system have invested more than 180 million yuan to develop Shaanxi’s building materials industry, forming a new batch of production capacity. In particular, a large number of new products have been developed to fill some of the gaps in Shaanxi’s building materials industry, forming a new type of building materials industry production base that has begun to take shape in Xi’an. At the same time, all departments and departments building materials generally pay attention to the application of advanced technology and equipment and management methods, and some township and village enterprises have begun to pay attention to the transformation of backward technology and equipment, and promoted the technological progress of the building materials industry. According to statistics from 1985, the province’s total output value of building materials industry (including rural industries) was 1.04 billion yuan, an increase of 26.3% over 1984, of which 670 million yuan was outside the system, an increase of 33%. In 1986, the province’s total output value of building materials industry (including rural industries) reached 1.25 billion yuan, an increase of 20.7% over 1985, of which the system outside the 860 million yuan, an increase of 27.4%. The output of key building materials such as cement, glass, fiberglass, building sanitary ceramics, cement equipment, etc., has achieved rapid development. The cement production reached 4.4 million tons, which eased the contradiction between supply and demand. The output of cement outside the system was 1.8 million tons, which was an increase of 40.5% from 1985. The flourishing development of the building materials industry in our province has fully demonstrated that the principle of “Building building materials for everyone” is correct. Of course, there are still some problems at present. The main problems are: fragmentation, lack of means for overall coordination, blind development, destruction of resources, and destruction of fertile land. The phenomenon is quite serious. A considerable amount of rural building materials
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1985年10月16日在比利时首都布鲁塞尔召开了首届欧洲国际“功率电子学应用”学术年会(EPE Congress)。参加会议的有60多个国家的六百余正式代表二百余列席代表。本次大会的