加强麦田管理 夺取春季丰收

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在热烈欢庆华国锋同志任中共中央主席、中共中央军委主席和华主席为首的党中央一举粉碎王张江姚“四人帮”反党集团篡党夺权阴谋伟大历史性胜利的大好形势下,全省广大贫下中农积极响应党中央的号召,决心把“四人帮”破坏造成的损失夺回来,千方百计克服困难,完成冬种大、小麦的任务,并加强了苗期田间管理,为夺取春季丰收打下了良好的基础。但是,由于气候的影响,前作物收获期推迟,不少地方大、小麦播种期偏迟,加上当时气温偏低、旱情严重和基肥不足等原因,麦苗生长缓慢;部分地方粘虫、蚜虫及地下害虫较为严重;部分地方中耕除草不及时,杂草较多.这些对麦苗健壮生长有一定的影响。为了夺取春季丰收,现就大、小麦中、后期田间管理措施,提出以下意见,供各地参考。 While warmly celebrating the excellent situation in which Comrade Hua Kuo-feng is the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Committee of the CPC led by Chairman of the Central Military Commission and Chairman Hua of China, smashing the grand historic victory of Wang Zai-qiang’s “gang of four” anti-party clique in ushering in the conspiracy against party power, The vast majority of poor peasants and middle peasants in the province responded positively to the call of the Party Central Committee and are determined to reclaim the losses caused by the sabotage of the “gang of four” and make every effort to overcome difficulties and accomplish the tasks of winter wheat and wheat and to strengthen field management at the seedling stage in order to seize the spring Good harvest laid a good foundation. However, due to the impact of climate, the harvest of the former crops was postponed. In many places, the sowing date of wheat was too late and the wheat seedling grew slowly due to the low temperatures, severe drought and insufficient base fertilizer at some places. In some areas, Underground pests is more serious; in some places weeding is not timely, more weeds. These have a certain impact on the robust growth of wheat seedlings. In order to seize the good harvest in spring, we hereby present the following opinions for the reference of all regions for the field management measures in large and medium-sized wheat fields and in the late stage.
陆川县是一个双季稻地区,历年来螟害非常严重。解放以后,虽然年年治螟,但只注意秧田本田的治标工作,没有抓好冬季三光的治本措施,因此,螟害没有根绝,为 Luchuan County is