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  语音:英式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:dinosaur, species, muscle
  A new 1)dinosaur species has been discovered in America, and it’s been named “Thunder thighs.” Not usually the nicest name to be called, but scientists believe it’s the most appropriate because of its 2)enormously powerful thigh muscles. And it certainly could have given other animals a 3)hefty kick. Researchers believe the beast used the muscles for kicking during fights over a mate or to 4)ward off 5)predators. The 6)fossilized bones of two 7)specimens, an adult and a 8)juvenile, were rescued from a previously 9)looted and damaged 10)quarry in eastern Utah. The team believe it was once a member of the long-necked family group of dinosaurs, which included the Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus. It’s thought that it lived about 110 million years ago and had the largest leg muscles of any dinosaur in that family.
Subway Announcer: Male passengers are requested not to sit on the seats reserved for ladies.  Welcome to the women’s-only-compartment, where lawyer Saloni Chowdhry climbs aboard twice a day.  Saloni C
Underneath the Greenland ice sheet lies a body of water covering an area larger than West Virginia, and until just a few years ago, scientists had no idea it existed.  First discovered in 2011, scient
也许在国人的心目中,科林·弗斯(1960-)并不像一些老牌英国影视演员那么深入人心,但他已经在演艺圈活跃了近二十年,其中他的代表作有BBC电视剧《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice),电影《同窗之恋》(Another Country)、《BJ单身日记》(Bridget Jones’s Diary)、《妈妈咪呀!》(Mama Mia!)与《单身男子》(A Single Man)等。
Lena Meyer-Landrut——对,细心的读者一定对这个名字有所印象,因为她就是我们在本刊三月号校园内外中提到过的令德国人疯狂的歌唱达人莉娜迈耶—兰德洛!Lena生于1991年5月23日,自2010年为德国人赢得欧洲音乐盛事——有“欧洲星光大道”之称的欧洲歌唱大赛(Eurovision Song Contest)的冠军后,她的魅力就开始辐射全球。  “拥有惊人爆发力和超龄音韵的白人灵魂美声
当你恋上制作面包,你会了解那种美妙的感觉。  在制作面包的过程中,似乎那些曾经的伤痛也渐渐地被抚平。  黏黏的面团在手中变得柔软,心也跟着温柔了起来……    I believe in baking hearty, healthy, whole wheat bread, preferably with someone I love, for someone I love.   The first
你恋上猫,是否因为被他们悄无声息的神秘所吸引,是否因为沉醉于他们每一步间的优雅姿态,还是因为迷恋他们那仿佛能看穿你心思的眼睛……爱猫养猫之人不只是爱猫,而是迷恋关于猫的一切,面对猫,他们似乎毫无招架之力,只能不知不觉沦陷……    Right under our noses, in our homes, cities and towns, on our sofas and laps, a quie
“...women are too delicate. It would kill them to play ball every day.”  —Babe Ruth    女孩子就应该去跳芭蕾舞,穿着美丽的蓬蓬裙,一举手一投足尽显优雅。这是什么怪理论,反正这对我不适用,我只想打棒球!    芭蕾舞?别开玩笑了,我只喜欢棒球!    Lois Siegel: When I was seven, I
语音:英式发音 适合泛听  语速:150词/分钟  关键词:CeBIT, exhibit, gadget    Another scaled-down CeBIT, though organizers still1)reckon that 350,000 people will make their way to Hanover this year to see the over 4,500 ex
For Germans Colla Felindon and Lux Jakubowski, the best way to explore Norway is by road. They have hired a camper van, and they’re getting to know the spectacular 1)fjords and 2)glaciers of Southwest