Non-asbestos Friction Materials Manufacturing in China--Present Situation and Future Prosperity

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuqin1225
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In the “Industrial Policy of the Motor Industry” which was published on Feb. 19, 1994, the Chinese Government focuses more attention on the development of auto parts industry aiming to adjust the industrial set-ups of auto parts industry, and foster and develop a number of backbone enterprises and striving for a greater progress in production scale, product development and production engineering in the end of the 9th Five-Year-Plan.CATARC has been authorized by the MMI to compose the contemplation and framework of the development of some key auto parts for the 9th Five-Year-Plan. The key auto parts are classified into 25 categories which are listed below:EFI system, spark plug, valve, tappet, piston & piston ring, bearing bush, turbo charger, diesel engine high-pressure pump, aluminium radiator, filters, diaphragm spring clutch, constant velocity universal joint, vacuum servo booster & master cylinder, non-asbestos friction materials, brake tube, brake hose, steering gear, steering ball joint, shock abs In the “Industrial Policy of the Motor Industry ” which was published on Feb. 19, 1994, the Chinese Government focuses more on on the development of auto parts industry aiming to adjust the industrial set-ups of auto parts industry, and foster and develop a number of backbone enterprises and striving for a greater progress in production scale, product development and production engineering in the end of the 9th Five-Year-Plan. CATARC has been authorized by the MMI to compose the contemplation and framework of the development of some key auto parts for the 9th Five-Year-Plan. The key auto parts are classified into 25 categories which are listed below: EFI system, spark plug, valve, tappet, piston & piston ring, bearing bush, turbo charger, diesel engine high-pressure pump, aluminum radiator, filters, diaphragm spring clutch, constant velocity universal joint, vacuum servo booster & master cylinder, non-asbestos friction materials, brake tube, brake hose, steering gear, steering b all joint, shock abs
摘要 《中国合伙人》是香港导演陈可辛在2013年推出的一部颇具内地感的电影,影片融合了众多笑点,在轻松而幽默的人物对白中,《中国合伙人》讲述了三个小人物实现自己“中国式梦想”的故事,本文从语用学的角度出发,以会话合作原则为指导,分析了台词中幽默语言的产生机制,深化观众对此片的欣赏和领悟,加深人们对“陈氏幽默”的理解。  关键词:幽默 合作原则 《中国合伙人》  陈可辛执导的影片《中国合伙人》讲述了
采用转台的高速旋转主轴,对汽车和摩托车发动机工作进行了模拟。通过机械动力学和两轴段三圆盘等效系统图的建立和分析,成功地设计并解决了在高速、宽范围(10~7000 r/min)工作
将低温获取的电子自旋共振波谱与DNA组分及羟基肉桂酸衍生物的前线轨道能量相关联 ,依据自旋自DNA向芥子酸及其衍生物的转移效率与核苷酸和后者摩尔比的线性关系揭示混合堆集