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随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和现代企业制度改革的不断深化,非常有必要以新的视角,重新审视现代企业制度下的工会工作,全面正确地贯彻工会工作总体思路,尽快适应两个根本性转变。 社会主义市场经济体制下的企业工会新的工作模式 (一)工会的工作原则要以法律为主要依据。近年来,国家在民主法制建设方面出台了一系列法律、法规,为规范企业经济工作和行政管理发挥着重要作用。现在,企业建立现代企业制度,工会组织开展工作的依据主要是《工会法》、《劳动法》等法律法规,依据法律法规所确定的性质、职能、权利、义务等,学会依法开展工会工作,依法解决工会工作中的问题。 (二)工会的运行机制要以维护为主要手段。工会是职工群众自愿结合的群众组织,企业职工的权益主要体现在日常的工作和劳动中,因而工会维护本组织成员利益的责任就显得尤为重要。工会要发挥自身的特色,通过维护机制的正常运转,使职工群众的合法权益得到保障和维护。依据《劳动法》及其它法律法规,并通过工会的工作,使职工的合法权益,包括劳动就业、工作时间、休息时间、保险福利、安全卫生、就业培训、工资报酬、民主管理等方面的权益得以实现。 (三)工会工作的重点要以基层为主要对象。市场经济下的工会工作要实现四个转变:一是 With the establishment of the socialist market economic system and the deepening of the reform of the modern enterprise system, it is very necessary to re-examine the work of trade unions under the modern enterprise system with new perspectives, to fully and correctly implement the general idea of ​​trade union work and to adapt itself to the two fundamental issues Sexual change. The new work model of trade unions under the socialist market economic system (A) The principle of trade unions should be based on the law. In recent years, the state has promulgated a series of laws and regulations in the construction of democracy and legal system, playing an important role in regulating the economic work and administration of enterprises. At present, the basis for the establishment of a modern enterprise system and the organization of trade unions is based on the laws and regulations such as the “Trade Union Law” and the “Labor Law.” According to the nature, functions, rights and obligations as determined by laws and regulations, Solve the problems in the work of trade unions according to law. (B) the operating mechanism of trade unions to maintain as the main means. Trade unions are masses of people voluntarily combined by the workers and the masses. Their rights and interests are mainly reflected in their daily work and labor. Therefore, the responsibility of the trade unions to safeguard the interests of the members of the Organization becomes even more important. The trade unions should give full play to their own characteristics and safeguard and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the workers and staff members by safeguarding the normal operation of the mechanism. According to the “Labor Law” and other laws and regulations, and through the work of trade unions, the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff, including employment, working hours, rest periods, insurance benefits, safety and health, employment training, wage and remuneration, democratic management, Be achieved. (C) The focus of trade union work should be based on grass-roots as the main target. Trade union work under the market economy needs to realize four changes: one is
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