
来源 :中学生英语·高三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anruixiang
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   Some people may think that reading is only for the language-arts or English classroom, but that simply isn’t so. Reading is a necessary skill across the curriculum, even in math and science classes. In order to boost reading skills in science classes, students need to practice a variety of content-specific reading activities on a regular basis.
   One reason students have a difficult time with reading in science classes is that science vocabulary is often technical and inaccessible for them. If you want your science students to be able to read and comprehend their textbooks, they will need to be able to understand the vocabulary involved.
   Practice with vocabulary at the beginning of a new chapter in your text, so that your students will recognize the vocabulary items in books. Give your students access to dictionaries as they read, and encourage them to make flash cards for science vocabulary the same way they do in their language-arts classes.
  Graphic Features
   Science textbooks include more than just words on every page; they also incorporate graphs, charts and other graphic features. These graphic elements can assist students in understanding the information in the book but only if students know how to read and understand them.
   Give students practice sessions with graphs and charts. Use pie charts, bar graphs and other data samples in class and read them together to aid students with their comprehension. This way, when they encounter charts and graphs in a test or in their textbooks, they will understand how to interpret and use the data contained in them.
  Taking Notes
   Students should take notes during reading in science classes just as much as they should in other classes. Teach your students to create outlines for chapters as they read and to highlight the most important information. Encourage students to write down any questions they discover as they read; then they can ask those questions during class discussions at a later time in order to gain clarification.
  Text Layout
   Have your students use their textbooks to help them read better in science classes. Textbooks are organized for clarity and visual interest, and these organizational cues can help students understand the material. Teach students to use quotes, foot notes, subheads, chapter-review questions and other organizational features to help guide them toward the most important elements in the chapter.
  Other Reading Strategies
   Students can use reading strategies to help them in science classes. Teach students strategies such as questioning, where they write down questions about the topic of the chapter and look for the answers within the chapter. Another useful strategy in science reading is rereading and reviewing, where students go back to the most important parts of the chapter and make notes about key points. Review questions at the end of each chapter can be useful in exploring this skill.
摘要:高中数学选修部分的微积分知识是帮助学生解决高中物理问题、理解物理概念的重要工具,笔者把微积分的知识应用到课堂物理知识点的讲解和物理问题的解决中去,联系高考和全国物理竞赛,为高中生今后学习大学物理知识做出了很好的铺垫。  关键词:微积分;物理教学;圆周运动;高考  一、引入微积分让学生深入理解物理公式  1.圆周运动  圆周运动中的线速度:为了描述物体经过某位置附近运动的快慢,可以取一段很短的
高考英语阅读是试卷考查的重要项目,分值占试卷总分的37%左右,做好高考阅读题是英语科考试成功与否的关键。要做好高考阅读试题考生必须了解命题的设码,与答题的解码关系。高考命题常从主题句、文章细节、脉络走向、主旨大意、整个语篇入手进行设题,重点考查理解,判断及分析能力。  一、主题句设题。主题句设题以英语文章的写作特点为依据进行设题,英语文章的首段通常概括语篇的内容,每段的首句通常归纳整段的内容,以下
摘 要:针对小球沿竖直平面内的圆形轨道的变速圆周运动问题,探究了小球在运动过程中对圆周轨道斜向上的弹力在竖直方向的分力存在最大值的位置以及在小球运动的过程中圆形轨道不从地面上跳起的条件.  关键词:竖直轨道;圆周运动;极值条件;不跳起  例题 如图1所示,质量为 的立方体物块放在水平地面上直立的两块光滑挡板之间刚好接触,物块的内部有一半径为 的竖直光滑圆槽.质量为 的小球放在槽底,现给小球一个初速
物理高考压轴题一般综合性强,难度大,对物理科《考试说明》中指出“考生應具有理解能力、推理能力、分析综合能力、应用数学处理物理问题的能力与实验能力”的前四种能力要求较高,试题有较大的区分度和一定的选拔功能。突破压轴题是考生学科水平能力的体现,也是考生“高分高能”的重要体现。  2016年高考全国新课标理综卷I第25题和卷II第25题(物理压轴题)均是多情景多过程运动的力学问题,两题均涉及到物理知识的
通过模型的建立,对2016年浙江物理选考电动机做功问题重新进行审析,在解决问题的过程中,对学生的审题和析题能力的提高进行了反思,做到“融会”而“贯通”. Through the est
分类介绍竖直上抛运动的解题方法. Classification introduced vertical throwing solution to the problem.