Effects of fucosylated milk of goat and mouse on Helicobacter pylori binding to Lewis b antigen

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciscohd
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AIM:To evaluate the effects of animal milk containingfucosylated antigens on Helicobacter pylod (Hpylon) bindingto Lewis b antigen.METHODS:A mammary gland expression vectorcontaining human α-3/4-fucosyltransferase cDNAsequences was constructed.Transient expression of humanα1-3/4-fucosyltransferase cDNA in goat mammary cell andestablishment of transgenic mice were performed.Theadhesion inhibitory properties of milk samples wereanalyzed by using Hpylori.RESULTS:Goat milk samples were found to inhibit bacterialbinding to Lewis b antigen.The highest inhibition wasobserved 42 h after injection of the plasmid.The bindingactivity of Hpylorito Lewis b antigen reduced mostly,by83%,however milk samples from transgenic mice did notinhibit Hpyloribinding to Lewis b antigen.CONCLUSION:The use of “humanized” animal milkproduced by the transgenic introduction of fucosylatedantigen can perhaps provide an alternative therapy andpreventive measure for H pyloriinfection. AIM: To evaluate the effects of animal milk containingfucosylated antigens on Helicobacter pylod (Hpylon) binding to Lewis b antigen. METHODS: A mammary gland expression vectorcontaining human α-3/4-fucosyltransferase cDNAsequenceswas constructed.Transient expression of humanα 1-3-3- fucosyltransferase cDNA in goat mammary cell andestablishment of transgenic mice were.T.Tablehesion inhibitory properties of milk samples wereanalyzed by using Hpylori .RESULTS: Goat milk samples were found to inhibit bacterial binding to Lewis b antigen. The highest inhibition wasobserved 42 h after injection of the plasmid The binding activity of Hpylorito Lewis b antigen reduced mostly, by 83%, however milk samples from transgenic mice did not inhibit Hpyloribinding to Lewis b antigen. CONCLUSION: The use of “humanized” animal milkproduced by the transgenic introduction of fucosylated antigen can provide provide an alternative therapy andpreventive measure for H pyloriinfection.
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