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有一棵白桦树,以它顶层舒展的枝叶,像人的手掌一样,承接纷纷飘落的雪花,积起了厚厚的一层,使树梢弯了下来。不巧的是,到了解冻的天气,雪又下起来,旧雪添新雪,顶上树枝不胜负荷,便把整棵树弯成了弓形,直至树梢压根儿埋进了地面的积雪里,牢牢地一直到春天的来临。整个冬天,在这 There is a birch tree, with its top stretch of branches and leaves, like the human palm, to undertake falling snow, accumulated a thick layer, so that the tree bend down. Unfortunately, to the thawing weather, the snow again, the old snow Tim snow, the top of the tree is overwhelmed, then put the whole tree bent into a bow, until the treetops simply buried in the snow on the ground, Firmly until the advent of spring. All winter, here
Adenosquamous carcinoma rarely occurs in the pancreas,and is characterized by the presence of cellular components from both duct adenocarcinoma and squamous car
烹饪饮食,都离不开用油与用水,如何用油、用水很有讲究。这对饮食的色香味美可口,至关重要。 烹饪用油,鱼与肉类食物,宜用花生油。花生油的香味,能有效除去鱼与肉类的腥臊昧
AIM: To study the differences in onset age and multiple primary cancers between familial and sporadic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC).METHODS: The diff
AIM: To evaluate the effect of chemotherapy to the acute toxicity of a hypofractionated radiotherapy(HFRT) schedule for breast cancer. METHODS: We retrospective
AIM: To seek and analyze features suggestive of gallbladder cancer(GBC) on preoperative imaging and intraoperative findings in patients diagnosed as having inci
我老爸曾煲过一次汤——大麦汤,那大约是45 年前的事了。汤是红色的,里面一定放了西红柿,而且据我猜测,还有红萝卜、芹菜、洋葱和香菜,可能还有一些骨头汁, 或许还有姜,再加