
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeshenshi1
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自2001年4月中央部署严打整治斗争以来,宁波市积极开展以打黑除恶为重点的严打整治斗争,加大了对黑恶势力违法犯罪的打击力度,对黑恶势力易滋生的部位、场所和行业进行了重点整治,成效明显。在这些重点部位、场所和行业内的黑恶势力违法犯罪因其易滋生而时有反复。因此,如何在打击整治后不失时机地推进长效管控机制建设,达到整治一个,巩固一个,带动一片的目标,将是公安机关长期的艰巨任务。重点场所、行业及部位黑恶势力违法犯罪的特点宁波市重点场所、行业及部位黑恶势力违法犯罪活动总体上来说还处在初级阶段,参与人数少,活动规模小,组织较松散,违法犯罪相对单一,但个别黑恶势力团伙已向黑社会性质组织演变,其危害不可小视。主要有以下特点: 从违法犯罪目的看,主要是获取最大经济利益个别黑恶违法犯罪分子唯利是图,为实现其走捷径达到快速发财致富的 Since the fight against crackdown and rectification by the central authorities in April 2001, Ningbo has actively engaged in the crackdown on fighting hard and blattiously focusing on cracking down crimes against the evil regime and intensified its crackdown on criminal and criminal activities against the evil and evil forces. It has also conducted vigorous efforts to crack down on sites and places where the evil forces are easy to breed, And the industry conducted a key rectification, the effect is obvious. In these key areas, the criminal activities of the evil forces and places in the industry and industries are sometimes repeated because of their easy growth. Therefore, it will be a long-term and arduous task of the public security organs how to push ahead with the construction of a long-term management control mechanism with no loss of opportunity after the crackdown and remediation and reach the goal of rectifying one, consolidating and driving one goal. Key sites, industries and parts of the sinister characteristics of evil forces Ningbo City, the key sites, industries and parts of the criminal activities of evil forces on the whole is still in its infancy, with fewer participants, small scale, loosely organized, illegal and criminal Relatively single, but individual gangs of evil have evolved to triad nature, its harm can not be underestimated. Mainly has the following characteristics: From the perspective of the purpose of committing crimes, it is mainly to obtain the maximum economic benefits. Individual mercenary and criminal criminals mercenary map, in order to achieve their shortcuts to get rich quick fortune