孩子生长发育好不好,这是年轻父母关心的问题。下面介绍几种简单的衡量方法: 一、磅体重:婴儿出生时的体重约为3公斤,男婴略重于女婴。体重的增长速度与年龄有关,在最初三个月内,每星期约增180克~200克,到半岁时体重在6公斤以上,一周岁时在9公斤以上。一般小儿的体重可用下列公式计算:1~6个月——月龄×0.6+3公斤:7~12个月——月龄×0.5+3公斤;一周岁以上——年龄×2+8公斤。
Good growth and development of children, which is the concern of young parents. Here are a few simple measures: First, the pound body weight: a baby weighing about 3 kg at birth, the baby is slightly heavier than the baby girl. The rate of increase in body weight is age-related and ranges from about 180 grams to 200 grams per week for the first three months to more than 6 kg by the age of six and more than 9 kg by the age of one. The average body weight of children can be calculated using the following formula: 1 to 6 months - months × 0.6 + 3 kg: 7 to 12 months - months × 0.5 +3 kg; over one year old - age × 2 +8 kg .