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StampMaster公司置布,USPS已经同意它测试用于估算Internet网上传递费用的技术的可行性。StampMaster公司的Internet Postage系统允许用户使用普通的激光或喷墨打印机,通过Internet直接将网络邮资打印到信封和标签上。早在1998年3月,美国邮政局曾经批准了另一项关于电子信件邮资的技术。E-Stamp同样可以从网上下载邮资,并直接打印到信封上。但它必须使用规定的软件硬件和一个标准打印机。但是现在StampMaster公司的系统根本不需要购买任何额外的硬件。公司在一份声明中说:“当用户购买电子邮票并支付相关的服务费用时,就不应该有其它的收费。从StampMaster公司的网络节点下载相关原始软件都是免费的。” StampMaster公司的总经理兼执行总裁John Payne在一次发言中说:“StampMaster Internet Postage将使成百上千万的小公司、家庭办公室的用户享受低成本和不出门的好处,这的确很令人兴奋。因此StampMaster Internet Postage已经由USPS授权就更加的重要,因为通过授权,可以使服务和合作的范围联合壮大,而这将给许多公司带来巨大的利益。”即使是主宰邮资计价行业的Pitney Bowes公司也宣布,它同意一些提供电子邮件服务的 StampMaster has deployed and USPS has agreed to test the feasibility of the technology used to estimate Internet delivery costs. StampMaster’s Internet Postage system allows users to print network postage directly to envelopes and labels over the Internet using a common laser or inkjet printer. As early as March 1998, the U.S. Postal Service had approved another technique for the postage of electronic letters. E-Stamp can also download postage from the Internet and print it directly on the envelope. But it must use the specified software hardware and a standard printer. But now StampMaster’s system does not need to purchase any extra hardware at all. The company said in a statement: “When users purchase electronic stamps and pay for related services, they should not have other charges. Downloading the original software from StampMaster’s network node is free.” StampMaster’s total John Payne, manager and chief executive officer, said in a statement: “StampMaster Internet Postage will enable millions of small companies and home office users to enjoy low-cost and no-going benefits. This is really exciting. So StampMaster Internet Postage has been more importantly authorized by the USPS, because through the authorization, the scope of services and cooperation can be combined, which will bring huge benefits to many companies.” Even Pitney Bowes, which dominates the postage pricing industry, announced that It agrees to provide some email services
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