The Prince Who Married a Frog 王子娶了一只青蛙

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  There was once a king who had three sons of marriageable age. In order to avoid any dispute over their choice of three brides, he said, “Aim as far as you can with the sling. There where the stone falls you will get your wife.”
  The three sons picked up their slings and shot. The oldest boy sent his stone flying all the way to the roof of a bakery, so he got the baker girl. The second boy released his stone, which came down on the house of a weaver. The youngest son’s stone landed in a ditch.
  Immediately after the shots, each boy rushed off to his betrothed with a ring. The oldest brother was met by a lovely maiden as fresh as a newly baked cake, the middle brother by a fair girl with silky hair and skin, while the youngest, after looking and looking, saw nothing but a frog in that ditch.
  They returned to the king to tell him about their betrothed. “Now,” said the king, “whoever has the best wife will inherit the kingdom. Here begin the tests.” He gave them each some hemp to be spun and returned within three days, to see which betrothed was the best spinner.
  The sons went to their betrothed and urged them to spin their best. Highly embarrassed, the youngest boy took the hemp to the rim of the ditch and called:
  “Frog, frog!”
  “Who calls?”
  “Your love who loves you not!”
  “If you love me not, never mind. Later you shall, when a fine figure I cut.”
  The frog jumped out of the water onto a leaf. The king’s son gave her the hemp, telling her he’d pick up the spun thread three days later.
  Three days later the older brothers anxiously hastened to the baker girl and the weaver girl to pick up their spun hemp. The baker girl produced a beautiful piece of work; the weaver girl, who was an expert at this sort of thing, had spun hers to look like silk. But how did the youngest son fare? He went to the ditch and called:
  “Frog, frog!”
  “Who calls?”
  “Your love who loves you not!”
  “If you love me not, never mind. Later you shall, when a fine figure I cut.”
  She jumped onto a leaf holding a walnut in her mouth. He was somewhat embarrassed to give his father a walnut while his brothers brought spun hemp. He nevertheless took heart and presented the king with the walnut. The king, who had already scrutinized the handiwork of the baker and the weaver girls, cracked open the walnut as the older brothers looked on, snickering. Out came cloth as fine as gossamer that continued to unroll until the throne room was covered with it. “But there’s no end to this cloth!” exclaimed the king. No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the cloth came to an end.But the father refused to accept the idea of a frog becoming queen. His favorite hunting bitch had just had three puppies, which he gave the three sons. “Take them to your betrothed and go back for them a month later. The one who’s taken the best care of her dog will become the queen.”   A month later, the baker girl’s dog had turned into a big, fat mastiff, having got all the bread he could eat. The weaver’s dog, not nearly so well supplied, was now a half-starved hound. The youngest son came in with a small box. The king opened it and out jumped a tiny, beribboned poodle, impeccably groomed and perfumed, that stood on its hind legs and counted.“No doubt about it,”said the king,“my youngest son will be king, and the frog will be queen.”
  The wedding of all three brothers was set for the same day. The older brothers went for their brides in garlanded carriages drawn by four horses, and the brides climbed in, decked with feathers and jewels. The youngest boy went to the ditch, where the frog awaited him in a carriage fashioned out of a fig leaf and drawn by four snails. They set out. He walked ahead while the snails followed, pulling the fig leaf with the frog upon it. Every now and then he stopped for them to catch up with him, and once he even fell asleep. When he awakened, a gold carriage had pulled up beside him. It was drawn by two white horses, and inside on velvet upholstery, sat a maiden as dazzling as the sun and dressed in an emarald-green gown.
  “Who are you?” asked the youngest son.
  “I am the frog.”He couldn’t believe it, so the maiden opened a jewel case containing the fig leaf, the frog skin, and four snail shells. “I was a princess turned into a frog, and the only chance I had of getting my human form back was for a king’s son to agree to marry me the way I was.”
  The king was overjoyed and told his two older sons, who were consumed with envy, that whoever picked the wrong wife was unworthy of the crown. So the youngest boy and his bride became king and queen.
  “谁在喊我呀?”   “你喜欢但不太喜欢你的未婚夫!”
  (姜浩 供稿)
所谓语文,就是语言文字的综合。“正确处理和运用祖国语言文字”是母语教育的核心思想,只有在此基础上,语文教育才能实现工具性和人文性的统一,才能真正回归语文的本色。因此,我们在语文教学中要从语言文字入手,真正深入作品,少一些修饰,多与作者对话,与作品产生共鸣,使语文课呈现出它应有的本色来。  那么,在具体的课堂教学中,如何保持语文课的本色呢?  一、 读懂课文,夯实字词  1. 加强阅读指导  阅读是
特级教师于漪说过:“课的第一锤要敲在学生的心灵上,激发起他们思维的火花,或像磁石一样把学生牢牢地吸引住。”课堂导入是课堂教学五环节中起始的一环,也是最重要的一环。如何用最短的时间、最精练的语言、选用最有效的方法将学生引入到学习天地,需要教师花大量的心血去思考如何进行有效的课堂导入设计。在几年的教学实践中,笔者使用不同的课堂设计上了《从百草园到三味书屋》,以此为例谈一下课堂导入方式的优劣。  一、学
点 击  电影“悬念大师”梅里美对“悬念”有经典的诠释:“我在影片中放置的定时炸弹,它一刻不爆炸,观众的心就一刻放不下来。”这句话给我们的启示是深刻的。如果作者能在小小说写作中不断地设计出扣人心弦的悬念,就可以收到“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫”的神奇构思效果,使读者产生追根究底的强烈阅读兴趣。  方法指津  所谓“层层设疑”,就是连续设置悬念,不加解答,使读者产生急切的期待心理,然后在适当的时
数字不仅可以用来表示数量和顺序,还可以用来编码.在日常生活中,我们可以接触到很多用数字组成的编码,像邮政编码、门牌号、车牌号等,这些都是数字编码在生活中的应用.让我们通过生活中的一些具体的实例,来体会数字在解决实际问题中的应用吧.  首先,我们来看一下邮政编码.  邮政编码由6位阿拉伯数字组成,前两位表示省(自治区、直辖市),第三位表示邮区,第四位表示县(市),最后两位表示邮件投递局(所).如果省
【作者简介】  克丽丝蒂娜·涅斯玲格(1936— ),奥地利童话作家。她的声名从中篇童话《小黄瓜国王》的出版开始在世界传扬。随后她进行童话、小说、剧本、诗、图画文学等多种文学创作,已出版一百多部作品,其作品被译成数十种文字,风靡全世界。她曾获得无数国内和国际大奖,其中最重要的是联合国教科文“B”类组织国际少年儿童图书协会 (1BBY)1984年颁发给她的“国际安徒生儿童文学作家奖”。  涅斯玲格的
读唐代诗人王勃的“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”,读者的眼前立刻会出现一幅“暮江秋色图”,令人胸襟开阔、心旷神怡。这正是对偶句在文章中的神奇作用。对偶是一种修辞手法,是指两个字数相等、结构相似的语句表现相关或相反的意思。同学们在写作时,如果能恰当地运用对偶的修辞手法,会增添文章的魅力。下面从三个方面来谈谈对偶的修辞手法的作用。  一、运用对偶,让语句凝练,使内容更具概括性  一篇文章,有时候需要
【作者简介】  叶圣陶(1894—1988),原名叶绍钧,笔名圣陶、斯提等。江苏苏州人。现代著名作家、教育家、编辑家、文学出版家和社会活动家。叶圣陶是“五四”新文化运动的先驱,是“五四”时期除鲁迅之外最重要的现实主义小说家。著有小说《隔膜》《线下》《倪焕之》,散文集《脚步集》《西川集》等。叶圣陶的作品,描写冷静、客观,结构严谨、完整,语言精练、朴素,不少作品被选入大学、中学的语文教材。他也是我国最
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