书名:依存与自立作者:〔日〕黑川雅之译者:张颖出版:河北美术出版社出版日期:2014年05月文字:中文60千字开本:787 mm×1092 mm 1/32页数:139页定价:$29.80元《依存与自立》是黑川雅之继《日本的八个审美意识》后又一部关于人与自然、个体与世界的著作。书中首次披露了作者的人生经历,道出潜存于心的重要主题。黑川雅之在书中谈道:“依存的终极使自我的实现成为可能,人姑且依存于自然,其后逐步自立。真正的自立并非以自立为目的,自我的实现则存在于依存之后。”如果试图从黑川雅之的设计作品中剥丝抽茧,探寻每个来源,我们必须将他生活中的每个细节放大。在他50多年的设计
Title: dependence and independence of: [date] Masayuki Kurokawa Translator: Zhang Ying Publisher: Hebei Fine Arts Publishing Date: May 2014 Text: Chinese 60 thousand words Folio: 787 mm × 1092 mm 1/32 Pages : 139 Pages Price: $ 29.80 Yuan “Dependence and Independence” is another book on man and nature, the individual and the world after Kurokawa’s successor “Japan’s Eight Aesthetic Consciousnesses.” The book for the first time disclosed the author’s life experience, revealing the important theme of potential. Kurokawa said in his book: “Dependence ultimately makes it possible for oneself to achieve self-reliance on nature, and then self-reliance.” True self-reliance is not for the purpose of self-reliance, but self-realization exists after dependence. "If we try to find every source from Kurokawa’s designs, we must enlarge every detail of his life. In his 50 years of design