
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:naonao19890925
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“三农”问题日益凸显的一大原因是:分散的小规模农户经营模式下,农业生产成本高、产出少。规模化经营可以很好地避免此问题的产生,但中国农村的土地因为背负上了代位农村社会保障的这一重担,权利价值偏重于使用,而交换价值体现的少之甚少,权利的生命力大大降低;土地作为农村最重要的生产资料,其利用率被大大削弱,导致农民生活困苦,农业停滞不前。面对中国农村的现状,放宽土地承包经营权的转让条件,允许对其进行抵押是必要的,也是可行的。它允许权利人结合自身需求处分自己的权利,推动农村规模化生产经营的成熟,突破制约农村经济发展的瓶颈,给农村的面貌带来新的、实质性的变化。 One of the major reasons why the issue of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” is becoming increasingly prominent is that under the decentralized small-scale peasant household management mode, agricultural production costs are high and output is low. Large-scale management can well avoid this problem. However, the land in rural China is burdened with the burden of subsistence rural social security. The value of rights is more emphasis on use, and the value of exchange is less and less. The vitality of rights Greatly reduced; land as the most important means of production in rural areas, its utilization rate has been greatly weakened, leading to poor farmers living conditions, agriculture stagnated. Faced with the current situation in rural China, it is necessary and feasible to relax the conditions of transfer of land contractual management rights and allow them to be mortgaged. It allows rights holders to deal with their own rights in accordance with their own needs, to promote the maturity of the rural mass production and operation, to break the bottleneck restricting the development of rural economy, to bring about new and substantive changes in rural areas.
一、现行道路交通运输“多头管理”体制严重滞后于道路运输经济的发展 目前,我国将道路交通运输管理划分为路政管理、交通安全管理(道路交通监理)、运政管理和交通规费征收
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2009年2月5日,柳传志退休4年后又重新担任联想集团董事局主席,制定了“用中国市场保利润,用新兴市场保增长”经营策略。去年下半年联想危机一显露,他还是情不自禁地投身其中,为了拯救联想而甘愿冒“晚节不保”的风险。  在联想25年的历史上,柳传志经历了太多的危机时刻,这让他在面对危机时,有着足够的经验和信心。现在,他又一次展现出他处理危机时的果敢和决断。  他的二次复出对联想的未来发展战略已有了初步