英语第三册疑点难点解析(Units 15~24)

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1 We don’t like the same colours,either.(L.58)此句的either虽然也用作副词表示“也”之意,但不能换用too或also,三者区别在于:too常用于口语,在句子里的位置较灵活,多位于句子末尾,也可放在句子中间(前后常用逗号隔开),一般用于肯定句和疑问句;also为书面用语,多用于正式场合,一般只用于肯定句,但位置要紧靠动词,位于be动词、助动词和情态动词之后,或行为动词之前;either只用于否定句,位置和.too一样,多位于句子末尾.试比较: 1 We don’t like the same colours, either. (L.58) Although either or both of this sentence is also used as an adverb to mean “also”, it cannot be replaced by too or also. The difference is that: too is often used in spoken language. The position in the sentence is more flexible, mostly at the end of the sentence, but also in the middle of the sentence (usually separated by a comma). It is generally used for affirmative sentences and question sentences; it is also a written language, which is mostly used in formal situations and is generally only used A positive sentence, but the position must be close to the verb, after the be verb, auxiliary verb, and modal verb, or before the action verb; either only for the negative sentence, and the position is the same as .too, mostly at the end of the sentence.
The weather was bad that day.It was___heavily and it was dangerous to go on theicy(冰的)roads.Mr Smith was ___.Fewpeople would go out in such a cold day and th
结论如图1,已知D为△ABC边BC上的任一点,O为AD上一点,连结BO、CO.设△BOD、△DOC、△AOC、△AOB的面积分别为S_1、S_2、S_3、S_4.则S_1·S_3=S_2·S_4. 证分别过B、C两点作A
11.希望你再接再_(励、历),争取更大进步。 12.在我国东北,狗拉雪_(撬、橇)是常见的事。 13.把下面这个长句改写成三个短句(可适当增加一些词语,但不能改变原意)(3分) 中华
我的电话号码是个七位数,头三个数是递降的,它们的和是18,它们的积是210.后四个数中 My phone number is a seven-digit number, the first three numbers are descending,