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病毒受体的研究已有四十余年的历史。已证明病毒受体在病毒感染的早期过程中起重要作用,在很大程度上决定病毒的宿主谱、组织嗜性,并影响病毒的致病性。由于病毒受体具有这种特殊的生物学意义,使现在对这方面的研究日渐重视,尤其是近几年来这方面研究的飞速发展,为人们积累了相当丰富的知识。一、病毒受体的概念和一般性质细胞的病毒受体是指由病毒识别并介导其特异地进入细胞,触发感染的一个特殊细胞的位点。存在于细胞表面,即胞浆膜或细胞壁上,动物病毒的细胞受体一般是嵌于脂质双层膜之间的糖蛋白,偶尔是糖脂或唾液酸寡糖苷,后者多见于红细胞表面的受体。影响结构成分的改变也影响其 Virus receptor research has more than 40 years of history. It has been demonstrated that viral receptors play an important role in the early stages of virus infection and largely determine the host spectrum of viruses, their tropism, and the pathogenicity of the virus. Due to the special biological significance of the virus receptor, the current research in this field is paying more and more attention. Especially in recent years, the rapid development of the research in this field has accumulated a wealth of knowledge. First, the concept and general nature of viral receptors Viral receptors for cells refer to the site of a particular cell that is recognized by a virus and mediates its specific entry into a cell that triggers the infection. Is present on the cell surface, the cytoplasmic membrane or the cell wall. The cellular receptors of animal viruses are typically glycoproteins embedded between the lipid bilayers, occasionally glycolipids or sialic acid oligoglycosides, the latter more commonly found on the surface of erythrocytes The receptor. Changes that affect structural composition also affect it
二十世纪初,人们就开始注意肿瘤抗原,当时Paul Ehrlich 曾设想抗肿瘤抗体可以引导细胞毒药物作用于肿瘤细胞。这是基于两种设想:(1)肿瘤表现有肿瘤特异性细胞表面抗原。(2)
一、背景与前言《情境化学:应用化学到社会》(Chemistry in Con-text-Application Chemistry to Society)(以下简称《情境化学》)是由美国化学会组织编写,McGraw-Hill 公司1
近日,湖南有色重型机器有限责任公司接到了来自中矿资源勘探股份有限公司的订单:中矿旗下赞比亚谦比希铜矿订购了1台AT2000天井钻机。有色重 Recently, Hunan Nonferrous He