
来源 :考古与文物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubujin1
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Discovered by the Kyongju excavation team of cultural relics,a huge amount of figurines in various styles from a burial at the Longgangdong site generates substantial and wide influences among Korean archaeological and historical academia. According to the published data and Tang figurines yielded in China,this paper suggests that these figurines from Kyongju belonged to the Unified Silla Period dating to the Middle of the 8th century. The styles of clothes and round female figurines indicate critical and significant influences from the Tang Dynasty on the Silla state. Instead of completely intimating the Tang system,these figurines represented a binary clothes system which combined the traditions and customs from both the Silla state and the Tang Dynasty and provide important data for the study of political relationship between these two regions. Discovered by the Kyongju excavation team of cultural relics, a huge amount of figurines in various styles from a burial at the Longgangdong site generates substantial and wide inhibition among Korean archaeological and historical academia. According to the published data and Tang figurines yielded in China, this paper suggests that these figurines from Kyongju belonged to the Unified Silla Period dating to the Middle of the 8th century. The styles of clothes and round female figurines indicate critical and significant influences from the Tang Dynasty on the Silla state. Instead of completely intimating the Tang system, these figurines represented a binary clothes system which combined the traditions and customs from both the Silla state and the Tang Dynasty and provide important data for the study of political relationship between these two regions
本文从理论上研究了多层共焦和非共焦椭球粒子对高斯波束的散射,主要成果如下:1. 我们研究了多层共焦椭球粒子对高斯波束的散射,把入射高斯光,散射场,各层椭 球内的电场和磁场用
本报讯 江苏省人民政府近日印发《关于加快推进产业科技创新中心和创新型省份建设的若干政策措施》,要求各市、县(市、区)人民政府,省各委办厅局,省各直属单位认真贯彻执行。$$文
目的 了解四川省绵阳市60岁及以上老年人主要死因及其分布特点,为慢性病综合防治及公共卫生决策提供科学依据。方法 对2014年绵阳市老年人死因监测数据进行统计分析。结果 20