一、问题的提出葛洲坝工程施工用电的供电系统采用6 KV电压.为了满足施工用电需要,建设了三个110KV变电所.湖北电网通过110KV线路向工区供电.由于110KV线路长,导线截面小, 负荷大,造成线路压降大,用户电压低,严重影响生产的正常进行.为了解决系统电压低的问题,于1975年9月换装SFZL—10000/110型有载调压变压器一台.其电压比为110_(+3~(-9))×1.66%/6.6KV,当变电所110KV母线电压不低于93.5KV时,可维持6 KV母线电压不低于额定值.但在每年雨季,由于丹江口水电站多发电,110KV线路允许增大负荷,因而电压降也更大(变电所110KV母线电压最低值为86KV).此时有载调压变压器分接开关即使置于93.5KV
First, the issue proposed Gezhouba construction electricity supply system uses 6 KV voltage in order to meet the construction needs of electricity, the construction of three 110KV substation. Hubei power grid 110KV line to the work area by the 110KV line length, the wire cross-section Small, heavy load, resulting in line pressure drop, the user voltage is low, seriously affecting the normal production. In order to solve the problem of low system voltage, in September 1975 refitted SFZL-10000/110-type on-load tap-changer Its voltage ratio is 110 _ (+ 3 ~ (-9)) × 1.66% / 6.6KV, when the substation 110KV bus voltage is not less than 93.5KV, it can maintain 6KV bus voltage not lower than the rated value Each year the rainy season, due to Danjiangkou hydropower more power generation, 110KV line allows increased load, so the voltage drop is also greater (substation 110KV bus voltage minimum value of 86KV). At this time with on-load tap-changer tap even if placed 93.5KV