
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:secretcode
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1.茄子是一种喜温的蔬菜植物。在杭州的气候环境下,如果早春开花过早,气温在15℃以下,会引起落花,不能结实,因而延迟了生产期,减低早期的产量。成为茄子早期生产上的一个主要问题。2.本试验以杭州籐茄(Solanum melongena var.ser pentinum Bailey)为材料。用了两种植物生长刺激剂,即5、15及30ppm的2,4-二氯苯酚代乙酸(简称2,4-D);及10、20及40ppm的4-氯苯酚代乙酸(简称4-Cl)的钠盐水溶液,用浸花法来处理早期所开的花。3.不论是2,4-D或4-Cl,均有防止茄子早期落花的效果。在本试验所采用的浓度范围以内,浓度愈高,效果愈大。而以30ppm的2,4-D效果最好,40ppm的4-Cl次之。如果浓度相同,则2,4-D的效果比4-Cl为大。而不经处理者,在5月上旬所开的花都会脱落。经生长刺激剂处理者,其开始采收期要比未处理者早9天。但自6月中旬以后,处理与不处理组的产量,均迅速增加,此时落花已不再是产量的决定性的因素了。但要使未处理者的总产量相当于处理组的总产量,要到6月下旬以后。4.经过不同生长刺激剂的处理结果,防止了早期的落花增加了早期的产量,但并不怎样增加其总产量,这一事实可能与茄子的结果习性及营养物质的供给有关。在农业上,要增加茄子的早期产量,不能单独依靠植物生长刺激剂,而应该配合施肥等栽培技术,才能使不脱落的花有足够的营养物质,发育成为果实。5.植物生长刺激剂不但能防止早期的落花,同时也能加速果实的伸长生长。但对于果实直径的膨大,效果不显著。第一朵花所结的茄子中常有两个茄子并生的畸形果,这种畸形果,不但由于植物生长刺激剂处理所引起。而是在低温环境下所开的花中所常有的。处理的结果,不过是保存了这些多子房的花使发育成为果实而已。6.茄子在早期所开的花大都是长花柱的花,而后期高温时所开的花中容易出现短花柱花。这种短花柱花,不论气温高低,都会脱落。但经2,4-D及4-Cl处理后,可以不脱落而形成无子果实。7.如果把植物生长刺激剂防止茄子的落花和番茄的落花问题来比较,则防止茄子的落花所用的浓度要比防止番茄落花的较高。同时又不会引起裂果。如果喷到嫩芽及嫩叶上,亦不易引起药害。 1. Eggplant is a warm vegetable plants. In the climatic environment of Hangzhou, if the flowering in early spring is too early and the temperature is below 15 ℃, it will cause flower fall and poor fructification, thus delaying the production period and reducing the early yield. Aubergine early production of a major problem. 2. The experiment with Hangzhou Fuju vine (Solanum melongena var.ser pentinum Bailey) as material. Two plant growth stimulants were used, namely 5, 15 and 30 ppm of 2,4-dichlorophenol acetic acid (2,4-D for short); and 10, 20 and 40 ppm of 4-chlorophenol acetic acid -Cl) sodium salt aqueous solution, by the flower method to deal with the early opening of the flower. 3. Whether it is 2,4-D or 4-Cl, are to prevent the early fruit drop eggplant effect. Within the concentration range used in this test, the higher the concentration, the greater the effect. The effect of 2,4-D at 30ppm was the best, followed by 4-Cl at 40ppm. 2,4-D is more effective than 4-Cl at the same concentration. Without treatment, the flowers opened in early May will fall off. Growth stimulant-treated individuals started nine days earlier than untreated recipients. However, since mid-June, the output of both the treatment and non-treatment groups increased rapidly. At this time, the loss of flowers was no longer a decisive factor in the output. However, to bring the total production of untreated persons to the total output of the treatment group, it is not until late June or later. 4. The results of treatments with different growth stimulants, preventing the early flowering from increasing early yield but not increasing the total yield, may be related to the eggplant’s outcome and nutrient supply. In agriculture, to increase the early output of eggplant, can not rely on plant growth stimulant alone, but should cooperate with fertilization and other cultivation techniques, in order to make non-shedding flowers have enough nutrients to develop into fruit. 5. Plant growth stimulants not only prevent the early falling flowers, but also can accelerate the fruit elongation growth. However, for fruit enlargement, the effect is not significant. The first flower of the eggplant is often accompanied by two eggplant deformities and fruit, the deformity of fruit, not only due to plant growth stimulant caused. It is often found in flowers opened in low temperature. The result of the treatment, however, is the preservation of these polygamous flowers to develop into fruit. 6. Eggplant opened in the early flowers are mostly long column of flowers, and the late open high-temperature flowers prone to short column flowers. This short style flower, regardless of temperature, will fall off. However, 2,4-D and 4-Cl treatment, can not fall off to form non-fruit. 7. If the plant growth stimulant to prevent the fall of eggplant and tomato flower problems to compare, then prevent the fall of the eggplant flower concentration used to prevent the higher loss of tomato flower. At the same time will not cause cracked fruit. If sprayed on the tender shoots and leaves, it is not easy to cause injury.
对妈妈们来讲,怀孕之后是一生中最令人激动的时期,也是一生中最美丽的时期!宝宝每一天都在改变自己的身体,自己的生活每一天都因此而发生变化! For mothers, after pregnanc
摘要:2017年8月8日四川九寨沟发生了7.0级地震,造成了巨大的危害,引起了社会各界的关注。本文主要阐述地震产生的各类危害以及造成的损失,明确了旅行社、保险公司以及政府需要承担哪些责任。深入探究了旅游法、保险法等相关法律。并对灾后出现的问题提出了相应的解决措施。  关键词:地震;赔偿;法律  一、九寨沟地震引发的法律问题  2017年8月8日21时,四川九寨沟发生了7.0级地震,通过调查,九寨沟