认真贯彻《设备管理条例》 使设备综合管理水平再上一个新台阶

来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mechanical123
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大连化学工业公司是以生产化工基本原料为主的大型化工企业,至今已有近60年的历史。随着国民经济的不断发展,特别是进入80年代以后,在国家的大力支持和企业职工的艰苦努力下,企业的技术改造步伐不断加快,先后投资1亿多元和1530万元进行恢复性大修和压力容器更新,还投资1亿多元引进了磷铵复合肥装置。在生产系统中,先后引进和应用国内外一批具有80年代水平的技术装备并相继安装投产,为生产的稳定和提高提供了有力的物质基础。目前,已拥有全民所有制固定资产1.7万台,总值达12亿多元,其中设备固定资产近8亿元。管好用好这些设备,充分发挥其投资效益,完成企业各项生产经营目标,提高市场竞争能力,是设备管理工作者义不容辞的责任和义务。 Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is a large-scale chemical enterprise mainly producing basic chemical raw materials. It has been nearly 60 years of history. With the continuous development of the national economy, especially after entering the 1980s, under the strong support of the country and the hard work of enterprise employees, the pace of technological transformation of enterprises has been accelerating, and has invested more than 100 million yuan and 15.3 million yuan to carry out restorative major repairs. And pressure vessel update, also invested more than 100 million yuan to introduce ammonium phosphate compound fertilizer device. In the production system, it has introduced and applied a batch of domestic and foreign technical equipment with the level of the 1980s and installed and put into operation successively, providing a strong material basis for the stability and improvement of production. At present, it has owned 17,000 Taiwan-owned fixed assets, with a total value of more than 1.2 billion yuan, of which nearly 800 million yuan in fixed assets for equipment. It is an unshirkable responsibility and obligation of the equipment management staff to manage and use these equipments well, give full play to their investment benefits, complete the company’s production and operation goals, and increase the market competitiveness.
技术状态的更改是难免的,关键在于怎样控制更改,如何才能做到可追溯性。 The change of state of technology is unavoidable. The key lies in how to control the changes
两岸携手参与全球汽车竞争 台湾多家汽车制造业负责人日前向台湾当局提出“台湾研发、两岸生产、全球销售”的发展两岸汽车工业合作互补策略,强调这种互补关系同时可提高两
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主编:陈之航副主编:凌之光编委:王孟浩 汪经羲 程其耀 朱恒久编辑部:主任王乃宁 王锦侠许树棕陆安定温廷链蒋定国华泽钊奚士光温煜华杨东华章树荣郑善来王锦侠(兼) 舒雄娟陈