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语用预设是相对于语义预设而言,从语用的角度对话语的预设进行分析。就交际过程而言语用预设具有合适性和共知性,就其本身而言则具有单向性、主观性和隐蔽性。利用语用预设的这三个特性于文学创作中,可以制造笑料,传达潜在信,揭示人物深层心理,营造矛盾冲突,展示人物的个性特征。 Pragmatic presupposition is relative to the semantic presupposition, from the pragmatic point of view of discourse analysis. As far as the communicative process is concerned, the presuppositions of pragmatism have both suitability and comprehensibility. For their part, they are unidirectional, subjective and concealed. By using these three features of pragmatic presupposition, we can create jokes, convey potential letters, reveal the deep psychology of the characters, create the contradictions and conflicts, and display the personality characteristics of the characters.
Background Recent studies have shown that drug eluting stent (DES) implantation improved clinical outcome concerning efficacy compared with bare-metal stent (BM
目的 了解劳务工乙型脑炎(简称乙脑)抗体水平现状,为乙脑防治决策提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段数字表法随机抽样,抽取44家工厂1003名年龄≥18岁、0.05;各年龄组乙脑抗体阳性
本文就拓展读者工作的必要性、紧迫性、方向性及可行性等方面的设想作了具体的阐述、论证和说明。 This article elaborates, proves and explains the ideas of necessity,
在英语诗歌 ,尤其是格律诗中 ,音、意、形呈三足鼎立状态。形式与音韵往往和内容一样 ,对整个诗歌意境的创造起着举足轻重的作用。一首好诗应该是音、意、形的高度统一。 In
从词语的形体意义与其实际意义内含的比较上 来说,前者少于后者,为形单义复;反之,则为形复义 单。古代医书中多有形单义复与形复义单之例,正确 辨别词语的单复关系,有助于准确理解
本文从不同角度分析了少数民族学生对汉语课丧失兴趣的各种因素 ,及对此进行补救的方法 This article analyzes the various factors that minority students lose their in
“无赖”一词在杜诗中共出现了六次 ,其意义和用法是基本一致的。明清以来的学者大多理解为骂詈语 ,宋人则理解为“无所藉赖”。两种理解显示着“无赖”的词义变化。把握这一
In recent years, autonomous learning that centres on the learner is getting increasing interest in institutions of higher learning in China. This paper is an at