Polymerizable AEE-active Dye with Optical Activity for Fluorescent Nanoparticles Based on Phenothiaz

来源 :高分子科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deboywang126
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In consideration of various advantages such as less harm,higher sensitivity,and deeper imaging depth,etc.,AIE materials with long-wave emission are attracting extensive attention in the fields of vascular visualization,organelle imaging,cells tracker,forensic detection,bioprobe and chemosensor,etc.In this work,a novel fluorescent (R)-PVHMA monomer with chirality and aggregation-induced emission enhancement (AEE) characteristics was acquired through enzymatic transesterification reaction basing on phenothiazine,and its[α]D25℃ value was about-6.39° with a 3.08 eV bandgap calculated by the quantum calculations.Afterwards,a series of PEG-PVH1 and PEG-PVH2 copolymers with chirality feature were achieved through RAFT polymerization of the obtained (R)-PVHMA and PEGMA with various feed ratios.When the feed molar ratio of (R)-PVHMA increased from 21.5% to 29.6%,its actual molar fractions in the PEG-PVH1 and PEG-PVH2 copolymers accordingly increased from 18.1% to 25.7%.The molecular weight of PEG-PVH 1 was about 2.2× 104 with a narrow PDI,and their kinetics estimation showed a first-order quasilinear procedure.In aqueous solution,the amphiphilic copolymers PEG-PVH could self-assemble into about 100 nm nano-particles.In a 90% water solution of H2O and THF mixture,the fluorescence intensity had the maximum value,and the emission wavelength presented at 580 and 630 nm.The investigation of cytotoxicity and cells uptake showed that PEG-PVH FONs performed outstanding biocompatibility and excellent cells absorption effects,which have great potential in bioimaging application.
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针对从含噪原始信号中提取位置以及速度信息,经典跟踪微分器存在不能很好兼顾相位滞后和噪声放大问题、参数多,调试复杂等不足.在跟踪微分器等效线性分析基础上,提出复合形式跟踪微分器,用于电容式位移传感器位置信号跟踪以及速度信号估计,通过MATLAB\\SIMULINK仿真以及实验平台测试,结果表明:在跟踪频率1 Hz、幅值1含噪声正弦信号中,复合跟踪微分器能光滑逼近原始位置信号,且能有效进行速度估计,相较于经典跟踪微分器,复合跟踪微分器跟踪相位滞后小0.03 rad,能更好兼顾跟踪信号相位滞后及速度信号噪声
针对毫米波频段下有源巴伦输出端口间存在的幅度和相位失配问题,提出了一种新型幅度相位间接纠正技术.该技术利用共射共基结构将输入的幅度与相位误差进行平均分配和重组,同时将输入信号间的未知变量误差转化为内部纠正电路中的固有误差,从而实现对原误差的限制和间接纠正,继而产生一对新的理想差分输出信号.构建数学模型进行分析与推导,证实了该技术在理想情况下的可行性,并通过电路仿真对理论进行验证.仿真结果表明,该纠正电路3 dB带宽为96~113 GHz,峰值增益为12.7 dB.在105 GHz频率下,对于幅度误差为0~
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