The Current Reseach Status of Quyi Art Forms of the Southwest Ethnic Minorities and Its Prospect

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  As an important part of Chinese Quyi folk art forms, the Quyi folk art of
  ethnic minorities in southwest China has an ancient history, myriad forms, unique aesthetics, and rich cultural content. It is a vehicle which cannot be absent from the lineage of the cultural arts of the Chinese nation. Due to the historical reasons, the fact that much of it is transmitted orally, and that some of the ethnic people lack a script, there is very little research on theoretical methods and case studies in this field. This article gives a review of the research on the Quyi folk art of the ethnic minorities in southwestern China since the founding of new China. It analyzes the current status of research from three aspects, including its transmission, development and innovation, and discusses how to further enrich the academic content of the research of Quyi art forms of ethnic minorities. The purpose is to provide some references for promoting a strong development of the Quyi folk art of the ethnic minorities in the southwest China, and enriching Chinese art culture.
  Key Words:ethnic minorities in southwest China; Quyi of ethnic minorities; Quyi; ethnic art
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