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就中学立体几何的教学而言,学生的空间想象能力,比较集中地表现在画图能力上。初学立体几何的学生多反映“不会画图”,教师也感觉学生对空间几何图形“总画得不好”。因为图形“画不出来”或者“画得不好”而影响论証或计算的事例是屡见不鲜的。如何进行画图教学和有步驟地培养学生的空间想象能力呢?这里仅谈个人在立体几何第一章教学中的一点粗浅的体会。 (一)要明确画图教学的阶段要求根据数学教学大纲,立体几何第一章要求学生“掌握直线和平面在空间位置图形的画法”。这应该是指对学生的识图、画图的基本知识和基本技能的教学要求。第一章可分四个大节,每个大节也应有画图教学的阶段要求,循序渐进,这样才能达到教学目的。各大 With regard to the teaching of the three-dimensional geometry of middle schools, students’ spatial imagination ability is more concentrated on drawing ability. Many students who begin to learn solid geometry reflect that they “do not draw pictures”. Teachers also feel that students have “difficult drawing” of spatial geometry. It is not uncommon for examples that influence the argument or calculation to be “unable to draw” or “not well painted”. How to draw teaching and to develop students’ spatial imagination ability step by step? Here we only talk about the individual’s superficial experience in the first chapter of solid geometry teaching. (A) to clear the stage of drawing teaching requirements According to the mathematics syllabus, the first chapter of the three-dimensional geometry requires students to “get a picture of the location of lines and planes in space.” This should refer to the teaching requirements for students’ basic knowledge and basic skills in drawing, drawing, and drawing. The first chapter can be divided into four major sections. Each major festival should also have the stage requirements for drawing and drawing instruction, and it should be gradual and gradual in order to achieve the purpose of teaching. Each major
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