Evaluation of water resources carrying capacity of Gonghe basin based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluat

来源 :Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengyun816ok
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Gonghe Basin belongs to arid and semi-arid climatic zone, where water resource is relatively scarce and desertification is serious, so it is necessary to find out water resources carrying capacity. By using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the assessment on water resources carrying capacity in Gonghe Basin was conducted: Water resource carrying capacity of Gonghe County is less, while that of Guinan County and Chaka Town of Wulan County are greater; water resources of Gonghe Basin could sustain cultivated land of 652.6 thousand acres and grassland of 2 368.6 thousand acres respectively in 2020, water resources of Gonghe Basin could sustain cultivated land of 948.2 thousand acres and grassland of 2 247.6 thousand acres respectively in 2030. Gonghe Basin belongs to arid and semi-arid climatic zone, where water resource is relatively scarce and desertification is serious, so it is necessary to find out water resources carrying capacity. By using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the assessment on water resources carrying capacity in Gonghe Basin was conducted: Water resource carrying capacity of Gonghe County is less, while that of Guinan County and Chaka Town of Wulan County are greater; water resources of Gonghe Basin could sustain cultivated land of 652.6 thousand acres and grassland of 2 368.6 thousand acres respectively in 2020, water resources of Gonghe Basin could sustain cultivated land of 948.2 thousand acres and grassland of 2 247.6 thousand acres respectively in 2030.
技工学校的学生来源比较广泛 ,他们带着不同动机进入技校 ,但他们的身上有一个共同点 ,那就是职业观念非常淡薄 ,对将来所从事的职业缺乏了解 ,对所学专业谈不上兴趣和爱好 ,
对目前中职学校学生英语口语能力普遍薄弱的问题,提出相应对策,以期在教学实践中激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的口语水平。 At present, the problems of students’ oral E
一、目前英语写作教学现状  英语写作是人们用语言表达思想的过程,也是一种发现、分析和解决问题的过程,它能客观地反映学生的思维组织能力和语言表达能力。它既是对英语词汇、语法、句型等的综合实践检验,也是语言综合运用能力的体现。初中生英语水平还处于初级阶段,需要在教师的引导下积极有效地开展写作训练。然而,目前教师却在很大程度上忽略了对学生写作技巧的指导和写作能力的指导,过分强调语言结构形式的反复操练,导
Photofunctional materials with room-temperature phosphorescence(RTP)commonly appeared in expensive metal-coordination complexes and rare-earth-based compounds.R
摘 要:结尾技巧指老师用新颖的方法对知识、技能等进行归纳、总结、具体化,以巧妙的教学手法演绎精彩的教学结尾,达到“风头豹尾”、“画龙点睛”的课堂效果。巧妙的课堂结尾艺术,能够给课堂带来生机,激发学生的兴趣,起到事半功倍的效果,愿这方法能够在当今生本教育下的课堂大放光彩,得到喜悦的收获。  关键词:初中英语 教学 结尾技巧  结尾技巧指老师用新颖的方法对知识、技能等进行归纳、总结、具体化,以巧
三年前的环欧旅行,有些风景已经淡忘了,但有些风景却依然清晰。比如荷兰的田园风光、法国的古典浪漫、西班牙的热情奔放和瑞士的湖光山色。瑞士的湖光山色仿佛蓝绿白相间的天鹅绒丝带,闭上眼,便缠绕住我的思绪:阿尔卑斯的雪山草甸、牧场村落、湛蓝湖泊、诗画小镇……飘散在空中,编织成上帝的画卷、世间的仙境。  宁静的瑞士,静谧幽雅,在那里,可以静静地聆听上帝的呼吸和心跳。三年前我匆匆而过,没能拍下更多的图片,没能