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英语修辞学可分为广义修辞学和狭义修辞学。广义修辞学涉及语体和体裁等问题;狭义修辞学主要涉及各种修辞手法即修辞格(figures of speech)的问题,在此只谈狭义修辞学中的修辞格。修辞格指一定的修辞格式,如打比喻,讲反话,设排比,用双关等等。英语修辞格繁多,据粗略统计,莎士比 The rhetoric of English can be divided into broad rhetoric and narrow rhetoric. Generalized rhetoric involves issues such as genre and genre; narrow sense rhetoric deals mainly with various rhetorical devices, namely figurs of speech. Here we only talk about rhetoric in narrow rhetoric. The rhetoric refers to a certain rhetorical format, such as playing analogy, speaking anti-words, setting up ratios, using puns, and so on. There are many rhetoric in English, according to rough statistics, Shakespeare
Passage OnePeople can be addicted to different things—e.g.,alcohol,drugs,certain foods,or even television.People who have such an addiction are compulsive;i.e.
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在当今,颇流行了一阵子如98元、9.8元、0.98元等技巧性订价,认为这比100元、10元、1元等要更吸引顾客。但深思一下,我们不禁要问这有必要吗?效果很好吗? 我不觉得0.98元之类
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词是语言中表达意义的最小单位, 也是最基本的单位,所以语言的对比应从这里开始。无论英语还是汉语都有着十分丰富的词汇,对同一概念,英汉两种语言都有一定的表达形式,有时这
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