21世纪 ,被认为是“高科技发展的质量世纪”。“质量世纪”的提法出自世界著名的质量专家、美国的J M朱兰博士 ,他于1994年在美国质量协会年会上发言指出 :20世纪是生产力世纪 ,21世纪是质量世纪。他于1999年又进一步强调 :“21世纪是高科技发展的质量世纪”
The 21st century is considered as the “century of quality in high-tech development.” The reference of “Quality Century” comes from the world-renowned quality expert Dr J M Zhuran of the United States. He spoke at the annual meeting of the American Quality Association in 1994 and pointed out: The 20th century is the century of productivity and the 21st century is the century of quality. He further emphasized in 1999 that “the 21st century is a century of quality in the development of high technology”