自主管理求进步 班组工作信得过

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近年来,我们化验车间三班从抓基础工作入手,发扬洛石化人“团结、拼搏、合作、奉献”的精神,走出了一条自我管理的成功之路,连续被总厂授予质量安全、生产优秀班组、基层单位建设“二十佳班组”及“信待过班组”等光荣称号。 一、以人为本,抓思想建设,求作风过硬 我们把抓好班组建设的功夫下在抓人的思想建设上来,动之以情,晓之以理,同时健全管理制度,使大家有章可循,逐渐形成了一套行之有效的思想工作方法。 1.从班长做起,树立班委形象。班长的表率作用是搞好班组建设的前提。我们的班长是一个肯动脑子、带头实干的年轻人。对自己要求严格,要求别人做到的,首先自己做到。今年大检修期间,他克服病痛,带领职工加班加点,认真搞好测爆分析任务,报出700多组数据无一差错,保证了检修顺利进行,得到了总厂领导的好评,本人因表现突出被总厂授予“百名勇士”称号。他在工作中注意发挥班委的集体作用,有什么活动,必先开班委会细细酝酿,统一认识后,再在班组会上讲。这样班组上下很快就形成统一意见,如“读书活动”、“一周班长制”等就是这样开展起来的。 2.发扬民主作风,创建好氛围。一个班的班风是否民主,直接关系到班组的凝聚力。我们班在工作中,非常注意发挥每个人的长处,并为他们创造条件。象有些同志 In recent years, our laboratory has begun to grasp the basic work in three shifts and carried forward the spirit of “unity, hard work, cooperation, and dedication” of Luo Petrochemical. We have developed a successful road of self-management and have been continuously awarded by the General Factory for quality, safety and production excellence. Classes and grass-roots units have established glorious titles such as “Top 20 Teams” and “Trusted Teams”. First, people-oriented, grasping ideological construction, and seeking strong style of work. We put a lot of effort into the construction of ideological groups in order to grasp people’s ideological construction. We must be emotional, be reasonable, and improve the management system, so that everyone has rules to follow. Gradually formed a set of effective ways of thinking and working. 1. Start with the squad leader and establish the image of the class committee. The exemplary role of the squad leader is a prerequisite for doing a good job of team building. Our squad leader is a young man who can keep his head and work hard. To be strict with yourself and ask others to do it, do it yourself first. During the overhaul period this year, he overcame his illness and led the staff to work overtime, conscientiously carried out the task of measuring explosions, reported that there were no errors in more than 700 sets of data, ensured the smooth progress of maintenance, and was well received by the leaders of the plant. He was awarded the title of “Hundred Warriors” by the General Plant. In his work, he pays attention to the collective role of the class committee. If there are any activities, he must first start a detailed brewing of the class committee, and after the unity of understanding, he will speak at the team meeting. Such teams quickly formed a unified view from top to bottom, such as “reading activities” and “one-week squad leader system”. 2. Promote democratic style and create a good atmosphere. Whether or not a class is democratic is directly related to the cohesion of the team. In our work, we pay great attention to the strengths of everyone and create conditions for them. Like some comrades
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