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伴随着我国经济建设的不断提速,我国的经济发展已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。在我国经济发展的过程中,我国的各项基本建设也在不断地发展和完善过程之中。在我国的城市建设中,地铁工程的建设已经越来越受到人们的重视。我国的相关单位和政府相关部门已经在对城市地铁工程的建设进行指导和监督。在我国地铁工程建设的全过程中,资金投入量最大的工程建设环节就是地铁工程的施工阶段。在这一过程中地铁工程能够有效地将地铁施工图纸转化为地铁建筑工程的实体,因此地铁工程的施工阶段是非常重要的一个施工环节,我们必须要对整个施工阶段给予高度的重视。在地铁工程施工阶段,我们首先要做好的就是地铁施工阶段的施工预算以及相应的预算控制。本文主要针对造价控制在地铁工程施工阶段的内容进行分析和阐述,希望通过本文的阐述以及分析能够有效的提升我国地铁工程施工阶段的工程造价,能够有效地提升地铁工程施工阶段的资金利用效率,同时也希望能够为我国的地铁建设进一步的发展和完善贡献力量。 With the continuous acceleration of China’s economic construction, China’s economic development has made remarkable achievements. In the course of our country’s economic development, all the basic construction in our country are constantly developing and improving. In our country’s urban construction, the construction of metro project has drawn more and more attention. Relevant units in our country and relevant government departments have been guiding and supervising the construction of urban subway projects. In the entire process of China’s subway project construction, the largest part of the capital investment in construction projects is the construction phase of the subway project. In this process, the subway project can effectively transform the subway construction drawings into entities of the subway construction project. Therefore, the construction phase of the subway project is a very important construction link. We must attach great importance to the entire construction phase. In the subway construction stage, we must first do is the subway construction phase of the construction budget and the corresponding budget control. This article mainly analyzes and expounds the content of cost control in the construction phase of the subway project. I hope that through the elaboration and analysis of this article, it can effectively enhance the construction cost of the metro project in the construction phase, which can effectively improve the capital utilization efficiency of the metro project construction phase, At the same time, I hope I can contribute to the further development and improvement of China’s subway construction.
目的比较VGG19、Inception-V3、Inception-ResNet-V23种深度学习(deep learning,DL)模型基于骨盆X线片图像进行骨龄自动评估的性能。方法采集我国5省市11.0~<21.0周岁汉族青
<正> 高铬铸铁是在高锰钢和普通白口铸铁基础上发展起来的第三代抗磨材料,由于其碳化物断续分布于韧性基体上,使其具有硬度高,抗磨性好。高铬铸铁在铸造性能方面,具有高流动
<正> 我厂生产的各种规格带有转子支架的同步电机,其转子支架焊接裂纹问题一直影响整机质量。轻者,焊缝局部开裂,磁轭圈与电机轴的同轴度发生变化,从而导致定、转子间气隙发
太赫兹(Thz)探测器工作在室温条件下极大地促进了太赫兹科学与技术的应用。超薄(10μm)钽酸锂(LiTaO3)晶片被用作太赫兹探测器敏感元材料。基于钽酸锂晶片太赫兹探测器在2.52 THz激