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80年代初,北国边陲出现了一大批中青年花鸟画家。他们以生活为其创作源泉,以写生手稿为依据,用颇富表现力的线条和墨彩缤纷的色块,画出不少有鲜明关东特征和时代气息的花鸟画新作。这些作品已初步形成了群体风格,在海内外造成影响。应该说,在这个创作群体中,现任黑龙江省美协专业画家、花鸟画研究会主席的贾平西,是当之无愧的启蒙者和带头人。 贾平西,1964年毕业于鲁迅美术学院中国画系花鸟专业。学生时期,他尊重师长,刻苦勤奋,对传统花鸟画工写技法,苦心求索,深得堂奥。他敏感于生活,并善于从生活中捕捉新鲜素材。在学习传统的过程中,他坚持“先与古人合,后与古人离”的原则,在艺术上独开心窗,其毕业作《疾风劲草》和《辽南山乡即景》组画,均堪称是源于生活、构思独特、探索新格的佳作,初步显示出他在花鸟画艺术创作方面的潜在能量。可惜毕业后,由于极左文艺路线的统治,除了红梅花外,其他花鸟画几乎成为“四旧”的代义辞。在左的氛围中,甚至对平西给本单位同志画的花鸟为内 In the early 1980s, a large number of young and middle-aged flower and bird painters appeared in the northern border area. Taking life as their source of creation and based on sketches of life, they used the lines of expressiveness and colorful ink colors to draw out many new paintings of birds and flowers that have a distinctive Kanto identity and a contemporary flavor. These works have initially formed a group style and have an impact both at home and abroad. It should be said that in this creative group, Jia Pingxi, currently a professional painter of the Artists Association of Heilongjiang Province and chairman of the Flower and Bird Painting Research Association, is a worthy enlightened person and leader. Jia Pingxi, graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting and calligraphy in 1964. During his student life, he respected teachers and worked diligently. He is sensitive to life and good at catching fresh ingredients from his life. In the process of learning the tradition, he insisted on the principle of “combining with the ancients first and then separating from the ancients”. He was a happy man with art in mind. His graduation works as a masterpiece of “Blazing Grass” Is derived from life, unique ideas, to explore the new grid masterpiece, initially shows his potential in flower and bird art creation energy. Unfortunately, after graduation, due to the rule of the ultra-left literary route, in addition to Hongmeihua, other flowers and birds almost become the “four olds,” the intercession. In the left-hand atmosphere, it even included the flowers and birds that Ping-Hsiung had drawn to his own unit’s comrades
经上海市民政局批准,上海工艺美术学会于1993年3月成立。 1993午11月8日,上海工艺美术学会召开了第一次代表大会。筹备组副组长李连坤同志汇报和小结了原中国工艺美术学会上