第一講 植物的器官——根·莖

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本講座的目的在於供中藥工作人员學習一般植物学的基礎知識,以便更好地了解植物形態、生理和分類等科學知識,為中藥原植物的辨別、中藥形態构造的認識打下基礎。因为根據許多中藥工作同志的反映,對於文獻中原植物形態以及中藥外形、组织等的描寫,常有許多名詞不易看懂,因而不能深入體會全文的意思覀冇X得這是一個目前存在着的重要問題,要提高一般中藥工作同志的業務水平,這个問題必須逐步求得解决。解决的方法,首先要有植物學的基礎知识。此項知識對中藥栽培、采集、收构等方面的工作同志是特別迫切需要的。至於從事中藥供銷業務的工作人員,则為了要能更好地掌握鑑別中藥的真伪、优劣,也需要這些知識,因为中藥多數是植物蘗,是植物的一部分經過加工而成,它們的描寫出离不開植物學上的名詞。最近中國藥學會所擬的常用中藥标准規格初稿已經在各地展開討論,其中“性狀”和“组织”部分的描寫,如果沒有植物學的基礎,也是难於理解的。 The purpose of this lecture is to provide the basic knowledge of general botany for the practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine in order to better understand the scientific knowledge of plant morphology, physiology and classification, and to lay a foundation for the identification of the original plant of traditional Chinese medicine and the understanding of the morphology and structure of traditional Chinese medicine. Because according to the reflection of many comrades working in traditional Chinese medicine, the description of the original plant morphology and the appearance and organization of traditional Chinese medicine in the literature is often not easy to read because of many nouns, and therefore it is impossible to fully understand the meaning of the full text. X is this is a current existence. The important issue is to improve the professional level of comrades in the work of general medicine. This problem must be solved gradually. The solution must first be based on the basics of botany. This knowledge is particularly urgently needed for working comrades in the cultivation, collection, collection, etc. of Chinese medicine. As for the staff engaged in the supply and marketing of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to be able to better understand the authenticity and superiority and inferiority of traditional Chinese medicines, they also need such knowledge, because most of the Chinese medicines are plant lice, which are parts of plants that have been processed and their description. Can not leave botany terms. The draft of the standard specifications of commonly used traditional Chinese medicines proposed by the China Pharmaceutical Association has recently been discussed in various places. The description of the “traits” and “organization” parts are difficult to understand if they are not based on botany.
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